
At some point, it’s nice to have a conversation about this. I have had a couple pleasant conversations regarding this, when the topic was at hand.

I guess the thinking is, as Greeks, they're the birthplace of Western Civilization, so they can therefore authentically serve all the foods found within any part of Western Civilization. Works for me.

My brother and I, at some point in our young adulthood, separately started eating green peppers like they're apples.

It didn’t fit into their master plan, which is two weeks away. They’ve disguises, passports, plans for stealing a motorcycle and a plane. If they’d gone for the human cub, it would have meant that the piles of dirt from the tunnel that they were nonchalantly spreading about might have been noticed.

Started in a school of karate thirty years ago, a shotokan variant. I still practice, and my first teacher is still teaching. There's a huge range of schools and styles. The personality of the teacher/class can have a big effect on the fun level, so don't let one class/teacher you didn't like color your view of the

Sometimes spelled Bagua or Ba Gua.

You might want to play with kettlebells. There's a couple pop books on how they work with weight loss. The idea of lifting weights always seemed dull and repetitive before I tried kettlebells, but there's a juggling like element to them that I do find fun, and you can watch TV/movies while doing it. They don't take

It's weird to me that someone would suggest that either fast food or power bars or similar were a good idea. They're both a convenience you can get by on if you're starving until you can get to quality food.

Willow wore them well:

The female staffer as a child:

You're reading the article correctly, but unfortunately it's not really written correctly. The recent group of chemicals to think about are trans fatty acids, which were widely assumed to be safe until their consumption was linked to coronary disease. Chemistry is usually more complicated then we would like, but

He’s got a “This is so cool, I’m just like Tom Delay” expression.

May depend if his wife can/will come up with testimony or evidence of him acting like this before he overdosed himself. Or if anyone else comes forward.

Or "I sublimate concerns about my gender identity/preference by being loudly homophobic and hope no one ever suspects". Though that would be a big cake.

The hate does suck, but the science is totally behind pie:

He’s not doing it to win, he’s using the well established business model of Gingrich, Huckabee, Palin and Trump. Make noises about running, use it to get interviewed and sell books and TV shows and make them seem important. Lets them establish a brand and much less work than legitimate campaigning, or, god forbid,

When your environment is crazy, it's hard to figure out how to be sane. Sorry you had to go through that.

No, I am Spartacus.

So how long would they take to make the Kessel run?

or Ebay.