

Have you a citation of a gay male hating religious type who has something lenient to say about gay women?

Women in general face a lot of violence. Men, in general, can travel a lot of the world with less fear of violence then women. I don't think Julianne Williams or Laura Winans had their experience proven false. Many rapes go unreported. Even when they are reported, sexual orientation isn't necessarily cited. In

That was the point. His argument was untrue and weak, so I provided a fact refuting it.

On the other hand, when a trans friend came out to me, she told me how jealous she was of gay men. She had to have medications and a set of expensive, uncovered surgeries, before she could have sex that didn't disgust her. She said she hated just looking into a mirror. She had no parental support and had to wait

This sort of thing is why human cloning should be outlawed.

I'm just being a pain. Heard Richard Reeves, late column writer, once talk about people he knew who were visiting friends in the former Soviet Union. Produce was at a premium, and they wanted to bring things they couldn't get, so they brought in a few things, including a large bag of avocados. They were searched by

Being an excellent cook aids in the wooing of women. Or presumably men, should you have that inclination. Many women like and respect fruits and vegetables, and have, in my experience, been more impressed with a nicely done veggie stir fry then well cooked meat. So if the living longer and more healthily and

Maybe he just like to roast them but doesn't eat them. It is a quandry.

Challenge accepted: leaf lettuce.

It's good that you'll at least eat what you're eating. Eat a bunch of them. Eat a variety of apples, blueberries, carrots, potatoes and bananas. If there's an asian or hispanic grocery near you, you can get odd versions. The versions don't really give you different nutrients, they can keep you from getting bored,

I kind of wonder if there's a random poetry engine writing this stuff. My Turing sense is tingling...

Gravel has a satisfying crunch and fills your belly nicely when you're drunk as well.

You would think so, but an amazing number of hamburgers I've ordered have come with unwanted cheese. The other question you get is what kind of cheese you want on it.

Either that or he's a devout Objectivist and feels that by gradually applying the Power of Pure Capitalist Market Forces he'll whittle down their faith and make the crumble. So either way, just some asshole.

You folks are offering excellent credence to the oft puzzled question of how come no one notices Clark Kent is actually Superman.