
Seriously, what are they?

I love how Yelp makes people acknowledge they have 0 friends.

I read this in a one star review of a Chinese place on Yelp:

My mom used to do that.

True, and not that there's anything wrong with that. Maybe he applies the total orange overcoat to mask any traces of incriminating cosmetics.

That's quite magical. I mean that in the really old school sense, you spoke to him through a spirit animal, had your coven hijack him to a lonely mountaintop, then initiated him in the mysteries of the previously unseen magic underpants. He didn't have a prayer.

Confused. To drive? To eat? To remove flies from his windshield?

A star is not enough. A Commendation for Excellent Use of the English language is in order.

I love this story, but it's just damaging for me to think of John Boehner doing this.

I'm sure you looked very pretty.

Reading this reminds me of things I'd forgotten about from that time in my life. You definitely "win" in the awful former MIL department, but I'm still so very happy to be divorced.

Advice I gave a friend that he appreciated, while he was overwhelmed trying to coordinate everything:

Very glad you're ok, that's a pretty scary experience. I know you probably didn't want to spend much time talking to him but I hope you communicated that to the doc who (mis)treated you so he doesn't end up killing someone with the same problem.

The doctor was dismissive to her subjective symptoms and (to the patient) of her attempt to seek care. The doc should have been reassuring that she was OK, but supportive of her attempts to seek care for classic symptoms of heart disease. If she comes across as dismissive, people who are experiencing "chest pain,

They meant the "skinned knee" version, the type of coffee so heavy with calories that when carrying it's frothy weight you'll inevitably fall and skin your knee.

I took my nephew to the county fair when he was about six or so. He hated the idea of spicy food, but liked typical young kid food. I got him a slice of pizza. It was decent pizza, cooked in a hot oven, and there was a tiny black speck of carbon on the crust.
He points to it:

Surely if they just holds in their hearts that the folks threatening them, knocking on their doors and throwing pebbles at windows are quite possibly doing so ironically, they will then enjoy the humour.

Your enjoyment of the exercise you do should not be underrated, as folks are more likely to adhere to exercise they like. There's some (as the article says) squishy research that outside exercise might give you more benefit: