
This is someone using aversion therapy on their girlfriend. If she didn't at the time this was filmed, she will grow to hate both Tolkien and her boyfriend.

But this is one of those stories where it's so over the top, nobody would believe it in a movie, despite being true.

The singer for Duran Duran was once asked why rock stars date supermodels, he gave the zen answer "Because they can".

Even if an area is damaged, thinking of it as exposed and damaged is not helping you. You honestly rub me the wrong way, and I find your attittude towards women pretty shitty, but I'm going to give you advice that I hope helps you. My exposed head has been out and about for 48 years now, and it's having a fabulous

It's not advice to men, it's pretty clearly written as "Fix your defective girlfriend without her knowing".

Subscription to "Men's Health" should be a warning sign.

If you view sex as a "hard slog", you really don't deserve to have sex with someone. Shoveling a driveway of wet snow is a more apt description of a hard slog. Also, if the person in question was an actual sex expert, they would know that men as well as women have pelvic floor muscles, the training of which benefits

What's in your baby oil?

You guys use chicken? We've been hacking the wings off buffaloes in the Southern Tier.