Well I'm from Texas.........but the buses at Schlitterbahn can be a bitch to catch.
Well I'm from Texas.........but the buses at Schlitterbahn can be a bitch to catch.
Should have used wood spokes. They flex instead of snap.
After doing my first SCCA Spec Miata race a week ago and really getting a feel for my 1999 SM, this conjures up a good amount of excitement in me.
When my parents were kids it was normal for highschoolers to be able to afford bad ass muscle cars, and everything was groovy and music was awesome and everything was just SO DAMN PERFECT AAAAGHHHHHAIJBFSIDBGISDGISBLVSVBSLIDGBD!@#!@$........I've been watching too much Dazed and Confused.
Wait.....no 911? It's been arguably the most successful sports car of all time and has a massively successful racing heritage, yet you still hear know it alls talking about the engine being in the wrong place.
Kaleva Kuura, also known as Frost Giant.
Same thing happened to my brother's TT. Something about Audis man.
Anything with Acura claiming it is the superior luxury brand.........So every Acura commercial.
I'm trying to convince myself that I don't like this gorgeous machine because I'm afraid they won't make it and sell it in the states. On a side note, not to bitch, but am I the only one who's totally confused with this new layout of the comment section on Jalopnik?
This same thing happened to my family in our Range Rover when we were driving back to Texas from LA. In the middle of nowhere and suddenly we lose all power, the road is pitch black, and my brother who is driving has to try to muscle the unassisted steering to get the car off the road and then stop. Really weird,…
If Volvo actually built this and sold it in the States I would buy it, even if it didn't have a manual. No question about it. Listen to us Jalops Volvo!! People do want a shooting brake!
I take that back.....I am wrong. Praise Jesus.
I heard it wasn't going to be available with a manual though. I hope I'm wrong.