
So modern day Tomb Raider = Sexy, Old Tomb Raider = Pandering? Is that what you mean?

10 000+ internet points.

Or at least change the gameplay a bit more then "we added bombs".

Ninja were Assassins though... and the Assassin's in 1 are based the Hashashin

It's their one and only talent.

Males have breasts as well... they just aren't as prevalent.

And/or true AI :( All those promises.

Even with modern-day technology unrealistic art styles are still common. Ultra-realism isn't even that popular. More of a "hey look how realistic that looks!"

My mother started as a realist and now she realised that realism is kind of boring after a while.

You could have it as a sort of anomaly? That because of their powers their transition would require an almost god-like entity to do it? And then it start the quest? They would be better off with either an Androgynous character or a hermaphroditic one... Or both?

I wish people were less antsy around skin. Showing off our sexuality isn't bad. This isn't a display. True sexual discrimination has intention. This doesn't. It's just because of a predominantly male demographic... (Of course it's changing... somewhat...)

Meh, I like it. It's obvious that this is a form of pandering. One thing though, clothes can actual restrict movement, (I doubt this is why they chose this design choice :P) but it could be assumed that male and female heroes would wear very little... skin tight clothes could be the worst too... For movement I mean...

Male loathing? (Sorry for the late post.) I'm Trans.


I remember one of the newer cartoons having the plotline I made mentioned. But it's all a blur. Transformers aren't cool anymore :(


Hey hey remember the whole plotline behind the minicons.

Whenever I see the word gay I despair for some reason... Like the english language has lost a valuable word to slang... :'(

I think it's more along the lines of.

"Well in comparison I have more brain cells than that guy on meth."

I'm seriously afraid of most dolls. This one though... it's kind of cute.