
Nor does the government comprehend the concept of freedom of expression.

I thought the depends on the writer thing happened with most characters... Uh the whole charade with Spider-Man has been annoying me *-_-.

So nigger isn't offensive. Huh. What an amazing world do you live in.

You do realise that "tranny" is discriminatory right? Yeah, thought so.

It's too bad too.

Eleanor Lamb! :P

Vancouver is in Canada you ass. Seriously. Quit expecting that everything happens in the States.

:P Yeah.

Oxymoron is an oxymoron for me.


This is his argument. "I don't like video games. So they must be bad."

It's not meant to be hysterical. It's just comedy.

...... So Ubisoft Montreal actually doesn't make games? Do they have fairies conjuring the games into existence? Why didn't I know about this?

For reasons unknown to me I find this cuddly toy to be adorable and want one... I normally hate such... chitinous creatures.

The turning around thing was slightly ridiculous but, it would have been funny if he tripped :P

I was talking about sexuality. Actually no one talked about race. Nor did I even MENTION it. Furthermore, the entirety of Asia is quite xenophobic.

Is being a legal adult (18) considered being a teenager... and where does Transgender fit in the mix?


Last two... The host before her was an annoying douche.

I normally like Windows. I don't Microsoft but I like Windows. Whilst Windows 8 isn't bad, it has certain issues with... ease of use.