... It was a mixture of intelligence, knowledge and common sense. Aka we don't have the bloody technology. (Sorry about the nasty snark...)
... It was a mixture of intelligence, knowledge and common sense. Aka we don't have the bloody technology. (Sorry about the nasty snark...)
But in the end it is those core gamers that count. The core gamers are the people who will lay down tons of money on a console because they enjoy it. More casual gamers, will just buy whatever shooter iz cool and run with it.
Uh yeah... *-_-
That wasn't the point. The point is blind fanboyism like yours. Thank you for proving his point.
Uh. Just shut up.
... Yeah... I'll just ignore you for now, because you're seriously getting on my nerves.
You flew off the handle. I don't call that being set off.
... You have anger issues. No seriously, I made a neutral comment, you decided to call me an idiot. I haven't called you an idiot once, nor have I insulted you, but you are acting like a butthurt child.
1700s, 18th century.
... I guess the whole idea of semantics went over your head...
He uses those fist on people who cause dissent. You know asking for games to be published in North America too.
France has quite a few Ethnic groups. Africa does as well. You can't state she's half-French (Which is a country) and she's part African. Only the southern half of Africa has darker skinned peoples. Northern Africa has light skinned peoples.
Uh... first of all it seems that I commented on the wrong person. Because I pronounce it as Day-Us. So I will apologize where apologies are due.
... Now you're just trying to troll. Whatever.
Classical Latin would have pronounced the c as a k, so it would Kyser.
Modern Latin. The type of latin that society has been using since the 15th century. The same latin that science and the Vatican has been using. Yeah that Latin.
An anachronism is never done on purpose. Just saying. -1 point for making that mistake.