Freya Swordbringer

"christians" clearly did NOT follow the teachings of Jesus, even at this early stage of the game, they obviously took what they wanted from Scripture and scrapped the real message that Jesus came to give mankind. How typical.

Speaking of Largatha, I liked the scen when she goes "home" to prepare troops and ships for the raid and addresses her council, while picking up and petting her big ol' white house cat - and of course house cats were sacred to the Goddess Freya, they drew her chariot across the sky. The writers continually put little

I liked the way Ecbert wished his soldiers "Good luck" when he sent them in as "backup".

True. And remember his aside to his "love", "I'll probably die in battle anyway".

Lagartha is a warrior, which is why I can't figure out how Ragnar could choose to keep "Princess -Bride" and let Lagartha go.

I wondered if they were going to name the baby Ivar (I recalled Ivar, the Boneless as a name popping up on a show about historical Vikings I saw a coupe of years ago - along with an episode about the blood Eagle), but this show intimated that Ivar had more problems than "just" clubbed feet.

Dead or not, it isn't living Athelstan who Floki's bent out of shape about, it's Ragnar's continued concern for the priest.

Also Floki IS a religious fanatic as portrayed in his total hatred of Athelstan. Combine that with Ragnar's obvious caring for/about Athelstan and we have the ol' jealousy/hurt/pagan v. christian thing. Perhaps the writer(s) made this thing a tad TOO obscure when combined with ecerything else going on.

Interesting take on the Floki/Ragnar "thing", and, as you note, Floki is loco. But he has quickly become a loved and needed character.

Totally agree - it IS as if we had missed an episode.

The glaring, screaming anachronism I noted was when Bjorn asked the slave girl if she had a "boyfriend". Hahahaha…

That's kinda what I figured too.

I kind of figured that Floki could afford two gold rings, after all, he's a master ship builder AND has gone on several raiding parties.

I too wish we knew more about Floki's sudden coldness towards Ragnar, weird. Maybe Largatha wondered if Ragnar would recognize her status as a "real" Jarl, rather than if he would turn her away as a "woman returned".

True enough, and the christian movement was certainly NO stranger to inflicting hideous pain "for the love of Jesus"..

The "christian" propaganda machine was in full running mode and I don't believe that ANY horrible thing which could be pinned on the Norsemen was off limits.

Interesting catch… otherwise the scene with Bjorn bring food "just because" made NO sense. Interesting theory.

Historically, I believe that one of her offspring is going to have a MAJOR disorder, what "they" do with it remains to be seen.