
Completely agree

It’s not so much that Best Buy associates are terrible, it’s the business that’s terrible.

I’d love to see a remake of XL. Despite the obvious ‘sponsorship’ by Red Bull.. it’s just something I’ve gotten so used to seeing as part of the universe, that and I liked the tracks a lot more than the more ‘modern’ versions.

Considering Microsoft’s commitment to cross-platform play is absolutely horrible (see Final Fantasy XIV for example, the ultimatum of Xbox One only servers has killed the possibility of that game appearing on that console), I don’t believe that spokesperson one bit.

Too bad? You got to experience the bad-assery YEARS before these guys did. I mean.. at least these guys get to play it now.. but we were there, before it was bad-ass and over three years old.

Except that steam doesn’t generate keys.


This isn’t new. It’s an issue that gets hit often during sales. Things will get sorted out either A) New keys will be provided and then it will work, or B) People will refund because they aren’t patient.

It isn’t.. that’s why I won’t touch it. :P

The excuses are sketchy, especially for single-player titles.

The difference is that they let feature creep push that back.

For a kickstarter where they already had functional concepts and whatnot, the expectation was that they’d be able to (reasonably) hit their deadline. The problem is, they got OVERFUNDED which is a typical Chris Roberts issue. Rather than paring down for what needs to be done to deliver a product, then iterate on that,

Not gonna care, nor going to believe it till something MUCH more tangible is shown. The fact they said they were working on this and that it’s only now in pre-production (likely as a ‘we threw everything out and restarted after giving up four years ago’ thing) means that yeah.. we’re nowhere near tangible.

I’ve figured out what bothers me about NFS in the past seven years. They’re about movement flair, not about details. DriveClub shows that it was the details that made it stand out. Water simulation on the windshield, etc...

Should also mention that as far as I’ve seen, it’s only on sale on Windows’ marketplace for PC... which is... god-awful.

Squarespace isn’t something I’d be all that worried about. Coding for a site is a different task than working with Unity or otherwise (though having experience would make it easier to learn.)

QUOTE | “Really this could be a final nail in the coffin for Xbox One now that Microsoft has told consumers to wait until 2017 [for Scorpio]. Sony will have the powerful system with VR now and a well-executed plan that leaves consumers no reason to wait.” - DFC Intelligence’s David Cole saysPlayStation 4 Pro offers

Completely fair enough. I’ll wait more patiently.

Let’s be friends!