
Which doesn't work for me. :P

Still waiting for a console-based (or PC-based) Monster Hunter.

Strung along as expected. Duke Nukem Forever of Japanese origin.

One of the biggest problems I had with Dead Space was that in the first game, Isaac was pretty much a silent protagonist. In this, I was able to design his mental state as I played.

It's just to make people mad. They want a reaction, just like normal jackhole bullies do.

Not really. Fire off your heavy and let it sit.

Indeed.. adding that one.

There's a point at which you won't need greens at all, even for the materials.

Basically.. make your runs as a whole.

Could work on the Vanguard and Crucible marks instead.

The Gentleman's Rules For Murdercave

While I'd like to learn, the curve is high, people keep smurfing, and the behavior described in this article is exactly the type of stuff I encounter. It's not just League either. HoN, I play at most.. two games a YEAR because of this kind of behavior.

"We didn't really want to put it on PC anyways since it's an Xbox-focused game as it is. We'll damage our Xbox One sales and incentives if we don't prevent it from being on the PC. This is also why later Halo titles weren't present."

... and Mojang will die like Bullfrog, Bizzare... etc.

Pretty awesome that they managed to get it working. A few achievements don't, but you know what? I'd rather multiplayer working again in the first place.

Because slappers. Always slappers.

Yeah, but then you get into the buyer beware cluster. The advertising should represent the game, and in this case it does not and that is where the problem lies. Advertising for games should be showing footage from the games themselves. Live-action sequences like this while trying to get the "It's fun with friends"

Eh.. I'd like to watch the competition. If ESPN wants to go full hurr-durr-lets-ignore-a-huge-demographic, then fine. We've the the 'tubes.

I just put down the cash for the PS4 version. I mean.. why not? I'm really wanting some good games to play on it other than XIV.

I've recently been getting back into Guild Wars 2 and despite my confusion of almost every system they had at launch being rebuilt I'm liking the changes so far.