Needs to be on PC, PS4, Xbox One if it wants to pick up. I've got MH3U, but the controls are such a pain and counter-intuitive. Even then the Wii U isn't my action-platform-of-choice.
Needs to be on PC, PS4, Xbox One if it wants to pick up. I've got MH3U, but the controls are such a pain and counter-intuitive. Even then the Wii U isn't my action-platform-of-choice.
For the most part I found the Xbox One to be full of inconsistencies. Each game behaves independently when it comes to trying to invite people in to a game (and in Dead Rising 3 you can literally get stuck in invite hell if you don't do it right). The view and menu buttons are showing much of the same problem.
It wasn't innovation though as all they did was take something that really wasn't so much a game and slap a known IP on it. It isn't a case of "innovated too much" and the fact that they bring this up tells me they have no clue why it failed.
PC Name: Tehbox
I would really like to place a Final Fantasy XIV plate over mine.
Yes, but is the game any good?
Pretty much my experience. I treat it like Forza/Gran Turismo and I tend to get around tracks really easily.. except when someone decides to put their front-end into my backend when I'm cornering.
It's like getting hit with a Gamegear.. only lighter because "that's what the public wants".
Sounds like 100% BS they tried to push for SimCity.
... man.. kids these days have it easy with their iPhones..
No, they have engines, they just have borderline failing transmissions. They have a great deal on fabric seats though, not like the chairs I had in high school..
But guys, businesses are meant to make money! ;.;
One of the most interesting things as a veteran to a game is to watch someone completely new. Yes, you HAVE to just let them play and watch but it's damned interesting how new players interact with something you know inside and out.
It's impressive that we're finally managing to approach the harsh brightness of vector graphics in modern engines finally.
I still can't bring myself to invest time in MOBA games. People are assholes in those, and I don't want to keep trying to play alongside assholes.
Now if only controls were easier to deal with.
If they say they're going to make a cops-n-robbers game.. they should probably make one rather than modding BF4.
Call of Duty doesn't try to be something it isn't at least. "We're doing a cops-n-robbers game guyz! Only... it's just going to be a warzone anyway!"
Game still plays like existing Battlefield titles.
Sales have turned into a window shopping affair. I own too much.