
To change it after the fact is unacceptable. To charge for it ahead of time, THEN change after the fact is unacceptable.

Backed via Larian's site so.. while I'm a backer, I've been left out of the loop from ALL of this development. Not happy about it at all. No e-mails, no development videos, no news on what's going on. Hell, I didn't even know when they offered alpha or beta keys.

It is annoying, but frankly Ubisoft did set expecations too high across the board. Console versions are failing to deliver on fidelity as promised, though it looks like the PC version will manage to hit the mark.

So it looks like we have a Dark Souls' like invasion system. I can get behind that, though some of my friends who are adverse to such an invasion wouldn't care for the interruption.

At least with youtube I can block undesirable portions of the site. No so with Facebook.

I can only hope that later we'll see an MMO that will have this level of detail AND decently fun mechanics that will make me want to stick with it.

I'll wait till they put it in some other place than Facebook. Won't touch it if that's the only place they are putting it. (Yes, I'm one of those people that thinks Facebook is a scourge.)

Grinding is okay in moderation, but I don't have faith that this game will use moderation..

I'm just not all that impressed just by visuals. Yeah there's a lot of pop-in so it's nice to know it's actually in-engine as opposed to touched up. That said.. it's yet-another fantasy game (at least as far as I could tell through Youtube's compression) that will likely have a metric ***-ton of grinding.

All this tells me is that if I choose to play ESO, I'll have to do so knowing the economy is permanently damaged.

Paul seemed bored this whole time.

Pretty sure the OP hasn't played Version One. Now /THAT/ one wasn't optimized.

I thought Eve Online has a similar system.

Security Tokens tend to last at least a year. I've had a lot last upwards of three. The removal process requires not just the serial number (so replace it if it starts becoming a risk of being illegible), but requires one password from the token as well. Failing that, you will have to go through their support guys.

The PS4 build is nice. Not only is it 1080, but they've managed to improve performance significantly since the last beta. Unlike the PS3 you get targets that spawn reliably, dungeons load quickly and the whole game looks comparable to the PC version.

I'd like to think they improved significantly on it. Not only can you increase the size of menus to 140%, but it's set to that by default (you can still tone it down if you're using your PS4 like a PC).

The problem is that as soon as you introduce money for convenience, you instantly embed the idea that your game is not as balanced as it should be for completion without paying for microtransactions.

Final Fantasy XIV on the PS4 is actually pretty good. It's in between the PS3 and PC as far as performance, but considering the hardware the game seems to do a stellar job at being easily accessible on the console.

It's the combination of everything that made it something I wanted to stick around and play through.