I won't play it unless they release a version with no ads and no stupid gimmicky "pay us more" mechanics. I prefer to play when I want to play without interruption.
I won't play it unless they release a version with no ads and no stupid gimmicky "pay us more" mechanics. I prefer to play when I want to play without interruption.
There are supposedly enough. While the list says "Must Play" it can also stem from just an "experience it" perspective since just going through training can provide a fair background for it. AA2.x was a great game, and it was because it's designed intent wasn't the typical action oriented way which means that it is…
It's fairly unique despite it's grounded roots in the US Military. The fact that you aren't sprinting around all the time hipfiring at every enemy with the Commando Lunge with the knife because you took two rounds changes up the pace quite well and really had a good solid backing due to it's focused training design.
I like what I see, sort of.. but I'm still a little concerned that the perception of "you are protecting" your pilot won't be presented well enough and would leave me feeling like the character I'm playing is just a poorly controlled human.
Freakin' thirded.
It hasn't been nearly as bad for me. Sure it took time to get in, but mashing NUM0 or the A button on my controller generally gets me logged in within an hour, though those times are getting longer as this goes on.
Get me some software worth buying for it. At present, I have only Monster Hunter. ><
It's a bit silly to talk about it right now since SE's having trouble keeping the servers stable, but for any online service we know it happens.
Brace yourselves, it's time for people to get angry for no reason.
The problem is that GTA already has that style of design. You fuck things up, the world is already staunchly against it. I do remember Saints Row 2 being at least stable in most cases regarding government and response, but I end up liking SR3 and SR4 simply because it distances itself from the... expected "mundane"…
Then you'd wonder where the next three days went.
You argued that the PC doesn't have writing that's on par with that of consoles. While there are great games on the consoles (frankly, I find Heavy Rain much more compelling than both of our examples), it's still a bit of a silly argument, I suppose. Both sides have their stories, some written better here or there.
But, the game wasn't designed and weighted intentionally to get you to pay extra cash aafer your retail purchase. (Not including ME3 there.)
Essentially it raises the question as to whether or not the developers (and publisher) of Ryze are trustworthy. They now have a system where it is in their financial best interest to make the game just difficult and grindy enough to convince as many people as possible to pay for the shortcut. (Battlefield 3 was also…
It is not acceptable if the game is a retail game in the first place. Mass Effect 3, unacceptable. Dead Space 3, unacceptable. Ryze, unacceptable.
I didn't think the original blade design was bad. Basic, but not bad. It also used the entire screen, was easily usable on both HD and SD monitors/TVs, and didn't have 40% of screen space used for advertising.
Have you never actually looked and the independent scene? Have you NOT heard anything about the Oculus Rift?
Let's reduce the size of the UI (wasting 50% screen space) and put up 40% of the used space as advertising. That is "better".