Full Disclosure: I backed the PC Kickstarter
Full Disclosure: I backed the PC Kickstarter
Best case scenario, Gearbox shuts it's doors for good in a few years. Terrible developer, morally questionable business practices.
Money was exchanged, there is a certain base level of expectation for that. The question is, who's baseline for quality is the legitimate standard?
Steam release seems to be delayed till 10AM tomorrow.
... can we please stop with the exclusive BS?
That didn't happen unless you kept doing really, really, stupid things. You have to go out of your way to get "spawnkilled" like that, and even then it's not likely to happen.
I was the foreman for fleet mining ops, Orca buffs and all, for about two years. It sucked. :P
Maybe you were using drones? (That's the only system/mechanics I know that has a right-click context.)
I enjoy it from the "Did I prepare correctly" aspect, and there's always been a tension there when trying to see if the numbers match up. Kind of like the Total War series in a way, or even turn-based games.
If you had to "right-click attack", you weren't doing it correctly. It is a more passive combat system, requiring monitoring and knowing when to retreat (and counter attempts to prevent you from doing so.)
I'm interested. Provided I don't have to jump through hoops to see it I'll watch a few. I don't know if they're sustainable though without some tweaking and embellishment.
The thing that got me was I loved the leveling system. It's pretty cool that you "install" new skills over time rather than grind a certain task over and over to level it up. But what you did with the skills was... uninteresting to me. Great concept, but poor execution in my mind. I mean... can you imagine how amazing…
Not only is a model of a Rifter, it's a USB hub too, if I read right.
Only if you let it be, and frankly even WoW can have that description thrown at it too.
Pretty much. There other options out there that will let you pick and choose when you wish to play. (The X-series is very good in that respect.)
They've been doing a fair amount of work and with the next major patch there's supposed to be significant UI changes and visual changes that may very well be what you were looking for.
And he flew right on by.
People will be mad when you destroy their stuff, especially when it's permanently gone. That's the case in any open PvP game.
I tried playing EVE Online some time back after getting a guest trial invite from a friend.
I am loving having returned to EvE Online. In the end, I picked it up because of the music and book. Other things will be nice too. I play it more passively than most. Spend a day dabbling with missions while keeping up on training to get my efficiency for the time I do play up.