
Cult Chalupa, it is a cult.

Yes but there’s still a plot twist ... Obama’s team hid evidence all over the place. It’s like the best treasure hunt ever.

Ha! He’s finally in the position to do every racist, reactionary thing he’s ever dreamed of and you think the cotton plantation come to life named Jeff Sessions will ever willingly resign?

recusing himself now, after the allegations, when he refused to recuse himself before (even though, like, his status as “former campaign surrogate” obviously hasn’t changed) says “I’m guilty but the GOP’s spine fell out of its collective butt so let’s split the diff, mmmkay?”

Cannot star hard enough. And no, she’s neither “brave” nor “beautiful.” She’s just a rich twit.

My thoughts exactly. She’s such an asshole.

With Hillary, you pretty much know what you’re gonna get with the LGBT community.

Now playing

It would be great if the Government of Sweden, Prime Minister, and King all called for an official retraction from Trump about his statement.

This is what happens when your only two categories are “violent Islamic extremist terrorist” and “perfectly swell white guy”

Just repeating what I said at the first article on the subject (the firing of Yates), because still pertinent:

no one in their right mind would ever fuck them?

Sorry for the emphasis but THE NATIONAL PARK SERVICE AND NASA HAVE GONE ROGUE. I’m not kidding. After they began tweeting about climate change (in defiance of Trump), he took down their Twitter pages. Now several government employees are tweeting under the monikers AltUSNatParkSerice and RogueNASA. Badlands is in

“And those choke marks around his neck?”

oh, but we didnt demoralize him, sean - he came to us, quite honestly, without any morals at all.

Their insults are poetry at its purest.

“Just give it a chance!”

“When Meryl works off a script someone else wrote, she’s an ‘actress’. When Melania does it, she’s a plagarist! Double standards! SAD!”


Yes we can’t forget how many find Trump refreshing because he “says what everyone is secretly thinking.”

I feel like all the “liberal elitists” are missing the most important point here. A lot of the people who voted for Trump like that he mocked a disabled person. They not only want a President who will mock disabled people, but they want to be able to mock disabled people again.