Yeah, there goes any little bit of sympathy I had for her. She is one of them. Fuck them all.
Why should we take her word for it over all those people in the world who say they haven’t bullied her?
If she’s that bullied, why hasn’t she contacted the FBI? Can she prove she is the most bullied person in the world?
I’m sorry but without strong evidence of bullying, I’m going to have to say it would be irresponsible, even dangerous for me to get on the slippery slope of listening and caring about anything she says.
She is a full blown fascist in a fascist regime. She may get mercy and pity at her sentencing. Until that day, she and her bosses are a barbarous enemy to be destroyed.
She deserves exactly the same courtesy she is showing Dr. Ford, I’d say.
This isn’t about Conway. This is about believing survivors.
Nope. She has carried an ocean’s full of water for this piece of fucking shit of an administration.
Yeah all she deserves is to be treated the way she believes victims should be treated. Can’t treat her like a “Fabergé Egg”. Let’s not put kid gloves on for her.
Instead of protesting can we get thousands of people to stand outside the white house and just laugh at him?
You are in my thoughts and prayers: the real ones. It’s time to, among other things, take that phrase back from the empty rattling husks on the right and make it mean something. This internet person cares.
Thank you for the reply; I'm really glad that you're ok. And you have a great point: the more we talk about rape and abuse openly, the closer we get to a situation where the only shame is for the perpetrators, not the victims
Oh, damn. I'm sorry to hear how you were treated after experiencing that! Not going to be trite & offer thoughts&prayers, but please know that some Internet rando truely does wish you well. I hope you have found a way to cope with the betrayal after the horrible act and are now happy & healthy.
So sorry that happened to you.