
Ah, the party of small government. Except when it comes to women's bodies. Then let's regulate the shit out of them.

One time I came home and my husband had used the plunger in the sink because the sink was clogged. The very same plunger that goes in the shit covered toilet was used in the bathroom sink where I brush my teeth. Men just don't think.

They definitely don't see it.

I feel like we have almost the same life! My husband and I dated for 3 months, moved in together and we're just about to celebrate our 5 year wedding anniversary with a baby on the way. Kudos to your family! :)

me too!

"If you're reading this, you probably didn't win the Powerball last night."

Okay, so don't judge me, but does anybody else pull out their pubic hair? It is only at night, while lying in bed, when I'm unable to fall asleep due to stress and I just start pulling them out. The thicker and more painful the hair is, the better. It's so weird and disgusting, I know. I'm also a nail biter and

We get it. Nobody at Deadspin likes the Patriots. Enough with all of these fucking articles.

The unbiased reporting on this site is astounding.

Agreed. Seattle seems to always fluke win their games. The better team won.

Awww poor Georges. My dog does the same thing with reflections. She is a rescue and the people who had her previously kept her in a crate for 20 hours a day, so she's a little OCD. Chases shadows, lights, reflections, you name it. She's on prozac and a daily exercise regimen now so she's doing better.

As a woman with a traditional man's name, I can get on board with this. I am so sick of my mail/email getting addressed to Mr. Such and Such.

Do we have the same friend? Literally, a guy friend of mine pulled the same shit. Used the same ring to propose to a different girl less than a year after his first engagement ended. I just can't.

Ladies, keep the ring. One of my husband's friends ended an engagement, she gave back the ring and then HE GAVE IT TO THE NEXT GIRL HE PROPOSED TO. So, unless you want some poor girl to be stuck with some second place hand me down, just keep it.

What's a foetus?

Pho is the nectar of the Gods!!

If you have to question whether or not you have the flu, I'll save you the suspense, you don't.

Currently 6 weeks pregnant with the flu. Been in bed for like a week and at the moment I'm rubbing medicated chapstick on my nostrils because I just don't care anymore. Anyone got some cute puppy pictures they can send me to lift my spirits?

I'm 6 weeks pregnant right now with the flu. I am the definition of miserable. The ONLY thing that has given me some semblance of relief is sitting in front of my humidifier for multiple hours a day. And the best part? I got a flu shot this year.

The same thing happened to me about 2 weeks ago. Only Gawker was blocked, none of the other Kinja sites. Then magically this week, everything went back to normal. Weird.