
I could watch a whole hour of just her scheming and plotting and wearing the fuck out of cool clothes and be perfectly happy.

I imagine there will be a whole lotta .gifs coming out of this show.

This is one of many examples of Hollywood treating people as expendable commodities. People often forget that while Hollywood often espouses very progressive ideology it is still very much run by old white guys who believe that they are gods among mortals. What was done to Schneider should have been prosecuted as a

Jesus Christ, what the hell am I looking at — a Crackerbarrel harem?

Loved Fleabag and Crashing so I’m down for this. Though I do hope Waller-Bridge will be acting in it as well. She’s just so good on screen I would miss her. Totally off the subject, but as I was watching Fleabag I caught myself thinking she might be a good pick if they ever decide to have a woman play The Doctor on

Yeah, this was my take on it as well. Billie Piper’s character in Penny Dreadful is the standard this movie is going to have to beat. Penny Dreadful had a lot of weird, nonsensical moments, but her character’s storyline made for riveting television.

The Necropolis Line is also mentioned in one of Charles Stross’ Laundry books: ‘The Fuller Memorandum.’ If you’re looking for a good mashup of cold war spy fiction and horror I can highly recommend the series.

I think it’s more of a case of Trump conflating Obama and Clinton. He’s gone to great lengths to link these two politicians as members of the same political elite and that Clinton’s election would therefore just be a continuation of Obama’s policies. And as we know from past experience, if Trump shouts his bullshit

Yeah the unlikeable descriptor rings kind of false to me. I watched the show and loved it, but I found Fleabag to be completely sympathetic. She’s just in a ‘shit’ moment of her life. Actually she reminded me of a lot of the women I’m friends with and I’m sure I’ve gone day-drinking with at least one incarnation of

It was after the concert and it was a complete accident. Their tour bus had kind of blocked in my car. Like I said Liz was very sweet. Robin Guthrie shook my hand and said ‘sorry’ for them blocking me while their driver started maneuvering out of their space, but honestly, I was so happy for that moment.

I met Liz Frasier of the Cocteau Twins in New Orleans and I totally fanboyed out. She was very gracious and didn’t give me the brush off. We talked a couple of minutes and then I got out of her way. I’m sure after the show she wanted to do nothing more than go back to her hotel room and get some sleep.

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I’ve loved her voice and lyrics ever since ‘Voices Carry.’ She was so ahead of her time in the 80s when ‘Til Tuesday first started releasing albums. These days though my favorite tracks come from her solo albums which have such a wealth of understanding for what it means to human and deeply flawed. Right now listening

Yes, I’m not proud of it, but would fuck him. He unfortunately presses all of my ‘daddy’ buttons. It’s the same way with Alec Baldwin. I’d hate myself afterward, but would bang.

Yes, I’m not proud of it, but would fuck him. He unfortunately presses all of my ‘daddy’ buttons. It’s the same way with Alec Baldwin. I’d hate myself afterward, but would bang.

Yep this has been going on for a long time. People love to vilify the Black Panthers, but much of the reason the organized was to protect african-americans from abuse from law enforcement.

Try it, you won’t be disappointed. Phryne Fisher is a flapper badass and her supporting cast a equal parts adorable and fiesty. After the first few episodes you’ll want to drink a sidecar and Charleston.

Well thank heavens that’s over. Schlafly was a monstrous creature who scarred the ground she walked, polluted the air she breathed and generally made life miserable for everyone. For many years my mom raised me on her own, working two jobs sometimes and making serious sacrifices to care for me all of which Schlafly

I know, between Ginger Minj, Katya, Adore, Alaska and Detox it’s promising to be a glorious All-Star season. Plus, I’m curious to see how well Phi-Phi O’Hara and Roxxy Andrews get on this season. That could be some serious shadiness.

Damn that woman can FLY! Plus there’s this sense of complete joy while she’s competing.