
Oh, I missed that bit. Thanks for pointing that out. Now I won’t have to blub in public.

It is an excellent book, you will burst into tears several times and feel empty for a week afterward. Which is why I’ve never re-read it. I really can’t go through that again. The first movie adaptation was good, but also very draining, which makes me a little wary of watching this version, but it has Samira Wiley in

Just a quick note, The Doom Patrol introduced a trans superhero character back during Rachel Pollack’s run of the comic. Her name was Coagula (I know pretty awful name) and her power was she could move matter into any of the three basic states (gas, liquid, solid). She and Robotman dated off and on in the comic.

Not to be a jerk, but in the second graph of the story you have ‘assault rival’ instead of ‘assault rifle.’

The problem with that is these people will get abortions for their daughters and wives if the pregnancy presents a complication to their lives. When I worked at a newspaper in Shreveport back in the 90s a prominent state politician’s daughter got pregnant while at college. She and her family took a trip out of state

Lux is the name of the club Lucifer plays piano at in the Gaiman comics. Mazikeen is also from the comics.

It would be nice if we could just agree that anyone who uses the ‘why not have a White History Month’ argument isn’t worth listening to. All the news shows could hire people with big long hooks and as soon as the phrase gets used, the hook would come out and drag the offender off-camera.

So just finished watching Batman vs. Superman, some thoughts:

I would really like to know why they decided to switch Emma’s power in the book from control of fire to control of air. In the book, Emma is very much the front-line fighter of the group, while Jacob (the hero) is often inept in the stress of combat. Did they make the change so that the movie version of Emma would be

See now, that was my first reaction to noticing that Emma’s power was changed to Olive’s. It also allows them to make Jacob more ‘butch’ as a leading man because they can have all these scenes where Emma has to depend on him to keep herself from floating away. I hate to be that person who screams “Whaaaaa! It’s not

A misunderstanding? A misunderstanding is someone else getting the room service you ordered or nobody dropping off fresh towels. Eight days in jail, most of them in solitary, is not a misunderstanding. As far as the idiots at the hotel, they went out of their way to stir up this shit storm. They had their money for

Tim Gunn just needs to leave this show. He really doesn’t deserve to be trapped on this sinking ship, but perhaps Klum has blackmail on him or she saved his life at some seedy Berlin rave back in the 90s and he can’t leave.

I’ve been really enjoying the show this year. Yes, it’s a bit scatter-shot at times, but it’s a welcome respite after Freak Show. So, during that entire dinner party, was I the only one who noticed that they staged it to fit one of the verses of “Hotel California,” which they played in episode one. It got me wondering

Hmmm are they editing out the Josh character from the series completely. Just no one seems to have mentioned him in the articles so far. Also not completely happy about the little dance they are doing around Elliott being gay. In the books he is expressly gay, which adds tension between him and Janet (Margo for the

Slightly unrelated, but when I watched the two episodes back to back, I just kept thinking that the box the Cosmic Seed was in looked incredibly similar to the puzzle box from Hellraiser. Which made the whole thing a little funny to me.

Absolutely get the Byzantium reference, also was thinking it reminds me of Russian and Greek religious iconography. It’s got that warm gleam that you see in that artwork.

That’s a three-hour cruise I can skip.

Okay, so I’m pretty much ‘an old,’ and I just have now started hearing about Speedy Ortiz. Did they take their name from the Love and Rockets comic book? If so that’s cool. I would have given their music a listen anyway, people are saying good stuff about it, but that just gives me one more reason.

You should get all the stars and your very own pack of Tim-Tams for this. Chris Brown also strikes me as an unusual pick for celebrity guest, but I really don’t know enough about the event’s history. If I’m in Atlanta on Labor Day weekend, I’m going to DragonCon.

I don’t often get to play in a game. I’m usually running them. So I’ll jump at any chance to play, even if I think it sounds sketchy. So the party consists of 5 players, but the cast of NPCs travelling with us are 15 and the GM has all of the personalities mapped out. Oh and they are all very powerful, usually