Anna Kendrick has been my number 1 female celebrity crush for like 6 years now
Anna Kendrick has been my number 1 female celebrity crush for like 6 years now
It was. Good eggs Benedict will do that. :)
exactly why I wait for Black Friday by then game are $35/40 each no buy 2 bull crap
exactly why I wait for Black Friday by then game are $35/40 each no buy 2 bull crap
Yeah, man why can't her toddler just live his toddler life? She's killin his vibe.
I love JLaw and usually only have eyes for her, but in the last teaser they put out Natalie was onscreen for like .25 seconds and I could not handle myself. I love that woman. Anything she's in I will watch. She's so amazing onscreen, she was the perfect Anne Boleyn. I am so happy she's in hunger games and I just wish…
Even though I appreciate you posting it, I actually don't like deals like that Target one. The deal basically works out to $40 per game, so just let me buy one game for $40!
Even though I appreciate you posting it, I actually don't like deals like that Target one. The deal basically works…
Sortland had a blanket, a cell phone and a box of Wheat Thins with him.
My 450 hour Tactics Ogre save file, which is at probably only about 80% of what I want to get complete (because so much endgame!) wants to join this conversation.
I like pulled pork.
For a hot second I thought that was Emma Watson.
What's the time stamp on Loretta's reaction? I can barely watch the video because UGH. But I want to see the sainted face of Loretta Lynn because I assume her face says, "WTF is this nonsense?" But I really don't want to have to watch it all the way through.
I noticed the "believe" the first time I read the story. What I don't understand is why some people "believing" something is a story. The Redskins are a large organization. I'm sure lots of people "believe" something about the way things operate. That's fine, but unless someone claims personal knowledge, there is no…
Every Sunday. Every Sunday morning they have a zero-sourced report that's really just the league's latest gossip. Mort is the king of this. He is so good that this week he reported that Adrian Peterson had a chance to come back this year. This actually seems like one of the more reasonable things he could "report,"…
Bonus points for using "rake," "deign," and "callow" all in the same paragraph, Pinkham. Even more bonus points for spelling "deign" correctly. It's a good day for word nerds around these parts.