
Look, Bruce became Caitlyn and sparked a whole national discussion regarding transgendered folks and their issues and that’s great. That said, no one wants to hear her blathering about how fabulous she feels in her $2500 gown and $800 shoes. It’s vapid, pointless, tiresome and annoying.

Trump has never had a relationship with a woman he didn’t buy.

Trumpie spoke.

They’re all way, way too stupid and cowardly to unite into anything of substance. At most you’ll see a few lone nuts going off, nothing more. Like those pissy-pants “bikers” that promised to work “security” at the RNC, all talk, lots of noise, no action, totally useless.

I have nothing personal against the Giants but man, that stadium of theirs is the most generic and disappointing structure ever built.

I’m almost fifty now and I’ve just never cared for alcohol despite the fact that it permeates the lives of just about everyone I know. I was always more of a drugs person. Anyhow, it’s amazing how I’m the only friend in my social circle who actually remembers things the way they actually happened. Everyone thinks I

“It turns out that the video I saw showing Obama throwing cases of dynamite from a burning barn was actually an old “Our Gang” comedy from the 1930s”.