
Ill bet if he said something pro communist or pro china you wouldn’t hear squeak from them over it. This is what leftist ideologies do, they try to silence and censor any desenting opinions. They hate free speech unless it lines up with their beliefs

How you gonna get hit by a train, the damn things don’t jump out from behind the bushes, you can see and hear them coming from al way down the track and even if you can only walk it takes about 2 seconds to cross the tracks. Shit was still funny though

You play much bulletstorm?

Some of them are good, I don’t like some of the high tech ones that have to charge, they’re just not fun to play with and aren’t usually powerful enough for the delay it takes to shoot. I personally think the best guns in bl3, at least that I’ve found are pistol variants. Some of those things destroy buttholes. I

Yep, pretty much same with me everyone saying how scary it is, all hype zero delivery. I honestly was wondering if I saw the same movie as them. This is a good example of how influential a lot of people are just based on what others say or do. They are the exact types that group hypnotism works on where a guy on Stage

The movie was absolutely terrible and not the least bit scary. I remember being all hype from how everyone was saying it's the scariest thing ever and god was it crappy. At the end I was waiting for something to happen and all it was was that chick standing on the corner. Wtf was that bs. The game can't possibly be

A lot more than people who give a shit about what justin beaver thinks

America everyone” yeah there’s people with something that will offend someone around every corner but this is the only problem from what I can tell, confetti flags, black fist flags, blm flags, antifa flags.... .I couldn’t give a shit about any of them, only the red white and blue because I’m US american not

Youre kidding right, the entire left wing media is a fake news echo chamber including a lot of these sjw gaming sites. But as long as you’re comforted into a false sense of security then by all means stick with them. That’s how Hillary lost the election, everyone was so sure no one would vote for Trump because they

Or we can all just bend over and let china f our holes without lube, I guess that’s what liberals are good at though, spreading their cheeks and getting on their knees for the enemy

Are they going to use the money to rebuild it how it was or some new stupid multicultural nonsense to more “accurately represent” all the other invasive cultures that have recently forced their way into France and other European countries. They better not cave to that horse shit or they’ll be having to cave to every

People still play this game?

I skipped most of the tedious question mark shit after I realized there were no achievements tied to them (thank you ubisoft) and enjoyed the game much more after I didnt feel pressure anymore to do all the carbon copy checklist stuff. I 100% completed the game and never really felt too grindy like their other games. 

God I hate PC gamers, the biggest bunch of self entititled pretentious posers on the planet that all demand the best while they pretend to be elite with their budget builds. How does Randy pitchfords nuts taste in your mouths cause you guys just ate his salty tea bag. And guess what, the game is still going to sell

The only difference between someone who can finish a from game and someone who can’t is determination. It’s not lack of skill or a hand cramp holding anyone back especially since it’s not even a button masher, if you’re mashing buttons youre playing it wrong and is probably why you’re not getting anywhere. And yes an

Geometry, texture and lighting photorealism is close for sure but when it comes to movement and physics especially with living creatures and most especially with humans is a ways off. Getting them to look real in a still is one thing but when their moving it’s a whole other level of difficulty. We humans can spot the

I wonder if they're going to copy Xbox achievements like everyone else did. I have zero interest in it if it doesn't have some sort of meta game career thing based around your profile I don't care how good it runs games.

How about everyone just shut the f up and worry about their own gay shit. Last I checked no one was forced to go to any of these churches. Why does the left insist on trying to call everyone out for their views and then expect these same people to accept theirs. The hypocricy and entitlement of the left knows no

Yeah I wish Areola Grande would go away and annoy people somewhere else. She appropriates my American culture by getting rich here and outwardly hating my country at the sand time f-king worthless c-nt

It won't let me like your post but that shit is funny.