
Should have F delayed both, how many people go back to a game after it’s “fixed” once they put their time into it. Not a big percentage. Especially if it wasn’t that bad to begin with. 

Sony ponys going ape shit over this, and the communists at the ftc

MS isn’t stupid, Im quite sure they’re not too concerned about it. Getting more people on gamepass from Xbox, PC, and other devices is likely far more profitable than the sales on playstation which they have to pay Sony a portion of. If it wasn't safely projected to be in their best interest they obviously wouldn't be

Imagine the irony of that, MS loses the ability to sell products across Europe in order to protect the consumer possibly not being able to buy cod on playstation. Which one would be far more damaging to more consumers they claim to be trying to protect? Hint, it’s not cod. Imagine no MS windows for starters, nevermind

I agree, I don’t get it, what would these regulators do if MS and AB just said tough shit it’s happening whether you approve or not. What are they gonna to stop MS products from being sold In their country, good luck with that. That would be far worse for everyone than not allowing cod on playstation which they

At this point it’s obvious this isn’t even about cod exclusivity for Sony, they simply are trying anything they can to stop the deal. They were offered ten years which is far more than reasonable. Cod might be long dead by then anyway. Sony are officially the most self entitled company in gaming that stay relevant by

They shouldn’t have to appease and bullshit to begin with. The 70 billion is all that should need to be said but unfortunately there’s lot of communists who don’t believe someone has the rights to do what they want with something they paid (enormous) money for. Sony is so damn entitled and cottled even though they’re

I really hope that wasn’t bulletstrm 2. Been begging for that shit for ten years. Or maybe MS will buy pcf now and put it on gamepass. Bulletstorm is among the most underrated games of all time

I have to admit I really miss the old G4, I loved the hosts mostly the females, sessler was okay before he went full wokey . I watched X-Play every day but with YouTube and other sites it just not necessary anymore but the part I miss the most is their E3 all day floor coverage. E3 hasn’t been the same to me without

To me it’s not g4 without Morgan Webb (she was so cute and sweet), Kristin Adams, Jessica Chobot, and obviously Olivia Munn ( she’s still hot 15 years later). Sorry but that screeching weirdo “frosk” just doesn’t cut it.

Wtf is “Froskurinn”? Is that her real name or some clever Nic name describing something or someone I’m unaware of. It sounds a little bit....well... something private that your partner made up for you one night 

If it was on Xbox it would be running at 60. MS seems to manage it wonder why sony can’t because of all the PS4 games bloodborne would certainly benefit from it the most. Game is fantastic and deserves the improvement

Hope from soft doesnt waste their time and talent on a Bloodborne remaster or remake. Let bluepoint or someone else do that. And since myazaki said he likes making new games and doesn’t like focusing on old ideas it’s unlikely from will be making Bloodborne 2, that’s another job for bluepoint. Hopefully it’s either an

You made it happen bro. Jk..for real though yeah I've been thinking about his too occasionally for years wondering if we'll ever see it again. I love the style, it looks like it'll be pretty scary the the way that alien isolation was where your character is under powered and has to hide and shit and can't just

Have you ever seen screen shots of that atrocity? It looked generic as f. The thing about Id is they’re amazing at the mechanics of a game, visuals too and the kind of cutting edge visuals they can do even with under powered hardware thanks to John carmack’s engines (remember rage), there’s not a smoother shooter out

Been waiting for this damn game for a decade. Hope it’s as cool as it looks. I’m glad they started over otherwise not only would it have probably been PC exclusive and not on Xbox but now it’s coming to gamepass. There’s nothing I like more than sci-horror and the next couple years are looking loaded. I'll take sci Fi

I don’t think scorn is last gen either. The Callisto protocol wasn’t supposed to be but they said recently there will be old gen version, I really hope that means a port down rather than the same build because that game has all the potential to set the bar for visuals and atmosphere if it’s not being held back by last

MS isnt that much larger, a trillion dollar company vs billions dollar company. 2,000,000,000,000  vs 150,000,000,000 Pretty close lol.

Yeah Xbox is so bad PlayStation literally copies everything Xbox does and PS fans cheer for it even after bashing those things for years. 

Not sure who didnt like the one x, it better than the PS4 pro. I sure enjoyed the 3 or so years I used it until the sx came out. Now I couldn’t go back to even the one x nevermind the xbone. I’d probably quit gaming if I had to use my launch day xbone