
I’m just sayin’. We have to represent.

So now men can’t even rape when they’ve spent the time and money to get advanced degrees and become professors?

This may be the best thing Johnny Depp has ever done.

No time to read the article, I’ve got ill-informed comments to make!


Every woman in that movie got treated like shit mostly by the main male character. At the end, we were supposed to feel sorry for that guy because he was trying to make it and he hit someone.

You can get some from the judges and the DA

Oh, thank goodness. That was horrifying.

It’s a fancy shampoo/conditioner combo. Never trust those things. There’s a reason god created shampoo and conditioner separately.

The worst part of the shelf elf? If I see one more picture of where the parent-posters on FB put their goddamn fuckin Elf I’m going to break into each of their homes and behead the goddamn thing.

I am very sorry for those whose income relys on snowfall, but after last winter if I never see another flake I will be a happy woman.

You can be a neurosurgeon, but think the pyramids were for grain-storage.

I’d count David Beckham as a “professional beauty”.

They're mine, nachos.

It’s always so magical when a woman can look at a man and just know... He’s the one... The one for anal.

This story only starts out like a horror story. It was horrible for me at the time. My boyfriend and I were celebrating our first Thanksgiving together. It was also just a couple years since my Mom died, a loss which had blasted a huge hole in our family. We scattered after that and had Thanksgivings either alone or

Here’s mine:

If anyone’s curious why Mr. Wells starts off his statement with “Every time this happens,” well, let’s just say he has a long and sordid history of this kind of behavior. Specifically, he was the guy that made so much noise over Jennifer Lawrence being “too big” for The Hunger Games, and said that readers should

My divorce will be finalized in the next month and I will be celebrating with some damned good champagne. Maybe a French 75 or two. It would be a shame to waste good champagne.