
This weekend, I retired my Boscia products which I also bought on the recommendation of the Sephora gals! I hate both the charcoal face wash and the peel, which I agree will literally not come off your face. I haven’t shaved it off, though. Mostly, I just spend an hour rubbing furiously at my skin until it sloughs

I’m really confused that this didn’t happen in Florida.

Leave her alone, she’s drunk.


I’d buy a ticket for that.

It’s called irony. This piece is ironic.

I love KJ Charles! Think of England is fantastic. Everything she writes is great but that book is so, so good.

Good list. My favourites are Tessa Dare, Lisa Kleypas and Mary Balogh. Specifically, One Week to Be Wicked by Dare, The Devil in Winter by Kleypas and Slightly Dangerous by Balogh. If I had to pick. I’ve spent a lot of time in the Regency era. Time I probably should have spent cleaning my house, completing my advanced

How will I get any work done today? I can’t stop watching this. Remarkable.

Shit, I thought that was going to go away as my daughter ages. Your post makes that seem unlikely.

I think it says not great things about me that I had to search google images for the author and her husband. As though my impression of their attractiveness would somehow add to this story.

Mazel tov! Wishing you and your husband a lovely life together.

You mean a steth-ass-scope?

I enjoyed reading this. Thank you.

In order to weigh in on this critical issue, I would need to have a date...

Same. The biggest deal that happened at my school was when we all had to go stand along the highway in Grade 4 because the Pope was driving through town. We stood there for hours just to watch him drive by and wave. No dance. No headdress. Bullshit.

When my mom was a kid, she fell into an outhouse. Like into the hole and landed in shit. I just felt this was a good time to share this story.

Daniel Craig. I’d climb that mountain in a pinch.

I would rather be in front of that.

I love shaved carrots and I’m not afraid to say it. Shaved carrots, grape tomatoes, cucumber, feta, and Trader Joe Thai Lime Chili cashews on a bed of romaine and spinach. I WILL EAT IT ALL SO YOU WON’T HAVE TO.