The pillow book. Paused a million times. It's a thing of beauty. Just like his twinkly eyes.
The pillow book. Paused a million times. It's a thing of beauty. Just like his twinkly eyes.
What is that clip?
Annoying! I challenge her to find ONE topic upon which all mothers everywhere could agree. Impossible.
People suck.
I love their F and DNF reviews the most. So funny!
Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell. Read it.
I just bought it on iTunes. I laughed and I cried. A lot of both, actually. She's something special.
I love him! That's the best response.
I would have yelled, "this violence is delicious!"
Everything about this article is the best. So funny! Well done to the eaters and the texters.
My kid totally ruined my marriage but, with hindsight, I realize my kid is way better than my marriage ever was. Go kid!
I'm upset about Oprah's use of the apostrophe. I think she should give me that dress as her penance.
Some time ago, I was talking about super powers with my sister and we were trying to decide what the best super power would be (we landed on being able to speak any language). We naturally ended up talking about what the worst or least useful super power would be and I said, "being able to see farts." Now I'm…
I hate online dating. I have an OK Cupid profile that I resurrect every few months and it usually takes me about a week to abandon all hope. I feel like I should just put this as my profile: "41 year old single mom, wears a mouthguard to sleep, glasses and works hard eating pizza to maintain gloriously voluptuous…
My uterus hurts from that story. This won't win the prize but I'm sharing anyway.
True, but if you'd been eating stuff pulled out of a sewer for a while and someone gave you a horribly burned omelette, you'd be all, "delicious, thanks!"
Are you kidding? I sat through Chipwrecked with my daughter and my niece and when they told me they liked it, I said (yelled?), "No! That was a terrible movie!" Frozen is a balm for the soul compared to those chipmunks.
Best proposal video ever.
I was going to have a natural home birth - took hypno-birthing classes, bought a placenta bowl, the whole thing - but nature didn't want that. After a long induced labour that wasn't progressing properly, I finally agreed to an epidural. About 10 minutes after that, I started violently vomiting and shitting myself.…
The Vajajoint!