“If you feel that “internet mole-men” making presuppositions on the quality of the movie are the ONLY people who disliked it, you’re flat-out wrong. ”
“If you feel that “internet mole-men” making presuppositions on the quality of the movie are the ONLY people who disliked it, you’re flat-out wrong. ”
Not disagreeing, but I really liked his take on Watchmen.
He took the comic, as it was, and put it on a cinema screen - although I know I’m maybe in the minority in holding this viewpoint
Yeah, because a whole lot of people are lining up to play fighting games with realistically and respectfully dressed characters.
The outfit in the pic at top is the exact same outfit she wears in Samurai Warriors.
If you want to meet players you will meet players. Everyone on my friends list is someone I’ve met in-game in a completely organic way, and I’ve made plenty of *enemies* the same way. It’s very easy to find other people. There are heavily trafficked areas like major trade hubs, capital systems, and community goals.…
400,000,000,000 star systems.
??,???,??? players, not all of whom play Open to begin with.
I am not judging Eve Online. Nor did I intend to slight its accomplishments. For me, personally, Elite resonates more strongly. I suspect that- right now- a lot of that has to do with the detailed procedural generation that continues to provide new playgrounds for emergent gameplay. And admittedly, because I played it…
The only real hype is what I get from playing the game. Conveying that to others is just a natural response to misguided assessments of what this game has on offer. No, it’s not for everyone. Neither is painting. (Some people prefer coloring books.) But the very video you have commented on is proof that there are…
Elite Dangerous has one of the absolute best player communities there is. There’s simply no excuse for a lack of people to play with. TeamSpeak, Discord, Forums, you name it. Saying “hello” to any member of the countless organized player groups is all that is usually required.
I mean yeah, if you want to jump in again. I got a stick and a throttle to just dick around in the game, and once I got the missions and learned how to navigate with some semblance of accuracy I spent way too much damn time in the game.
I think you looking for progress somewhere is the problem. Literally you learn to fly a ship, then you start taking missions depending on what you personally want to do in the game, there is no main story or quest line to follow, youre like pretty much released into the cold dark of space.
i run a 700 + member group in ED. It’s funny, people seem to be amazed that in a game with over 400 billion stars you have to actually go to busy places to see other people. who knew?!
Precisely because she writes about culture, as well as because she’s a woman of color, I’m a bit surprised at the tone deafness. The book sounds like such a bad idea. I wonder how she pitched it to the publisher.
Can’t wait for Ganeshram’s next story about those great blankets the white man gave the Native Americans.
She might be out of her depth.....Or she’s a racist asshat. Yeah, I’m going with racist asshat.
Oof, looked the author up and her day job is writing about food and culture. This appears to be her first foray into writing childrens’ books.