“Dressed up”? “Wearing”? This looks like a Photoshop job. I don’t think she did shit besides pose for the original photo. The 2 is generous to the extreme.
i wish the twitterverse would respond by shopping her on to different things like perhaps a barboons arse
The original women have such emotion and power in their expressions—this lady is a dead-eyed, flat-faced nothing.
It bums the fuck out of me that you know there are people who would feel uncomfortable by some of the original images but are all too enthusiastic about the appropriations.
They are! WHY NOT JUST POST THOSE. The women in the original portraits are all absolutely gorgeous.
These stunning portraits show how beauty varies across the globe and prove that all of us are beautiful in a different way. They’re celebrating stunning tribal beauties at the brink of extinction.
Good lord this is headache-inducing. The original portraits are so gorgeous too...
Oh but it does change the characterization, because now we get to my problem with Greedo shooting first— besides the fact that the whole edit was sloppy to begin with, and then got pants-on-head retarded in the latest iteration —Han actually giving Greedo the chance to take a shot at him after it’s obvious he’s being…
I get that, but those kinds of errors don’t bother me. I’d rather see the original, warts and all, than the “fixes.”
Maybe Rio Bravo John Wayne wouldn’t have shot first, but The Searchers John Wayne would’ve blown Greedo’s head off before he got a chance to speak.
There are so many problems with Lucas’ most recent explanation for why he always, always, always wanted Han to shoot first that I don’t even know where to start. First of all, he’s obviously never watched any John Wayne movies, because John Wayne shoots first several times - in Big Jake, he has a shotgun hidden behind…
It does change things. Not so much to picket in the streets, but enough to matter.
I think you’d agree that the majority of subtle tweaks are actually for the better (better lasers, more ships in space, the scene with Biggs, fixing the sets, etc.), and it’s just a handful changes that really irritate people.
Shooting a guy who is sitting there with a gun, threatening to kill you isn’t really murder.