Daria Darko

I highly, highly recommend everyone read The Black Jacobins, which is generally considered the best book about the Haitian Revolution. And I would also recommend the Revolutions podcast part on the Haitian Revolution. Not nearly enough people understand the fascinating and historical history of it and how the US

I swear, it came around in the end. You fall in love with Rudy, I swear. 4 is a fucking slog but 5 was damned good. They did it justice, in the end.

Except only the first 2 seasons. Misfits without him isn't a Misfits I want to watch. Season 3 wasn't very good, and I didn't bother watching the other season(s?), especially since all the original characters left.

counter point to you both:

The best-ever British teen show?

I thought it was the worst thing that happened to this show, and I say that even though I'm still not over Chris' death.

Yes! There was no explanation for the change, either, and barring her storyline where she ended up briefly dating abusive fight club mod dude, everything she did that season was just about how awful she was going to be that episode. Maybe I missed the Frankie that thought knee length shorts were super femme, or maybe

Not only did they ruin her awesome gender-queerness, but they also turned her into the nastiest, most selfish person in all of Skins history. I ended up HATING Frankie.

Yay! Skins talk! Who hated when they totally ruined the awesome gender-queer Frankie from gen. 3 just to do a love/hate storyline with creepy eyed Matty?

Its weirdness is why I love it. No American teen show could feature a musical love story based around the destruction of the Twin Towers in an episode.

Oh, definitely. If it had always just been A Thing that sometimes these people sing, the scene wouldn't have hit as hard as it did. But the way it starts up with Sid on the bus ...

I'm almost 40 and I love the shit out of Skins and I will shout it from the roof tops! I was soooo excited when my nieces were old enough to watch it. They thought it was weird, so maybe not quite old enough ;)

That "Wild World" scene is damn near perfection. It was so unexpected and I think that made it a little better.

I think there's more to it, like we are able to look back and be like THANK GOD ITS OVER but also feel a little nostalgia and jealousy at the same time. It's like we can re-live our youths in a much more glamorous way without any danger.

Now I feel weird for not being ashamed of watching Skins. I was so excited when I heard they were checking up on past characters instead of a new crop.

I haven't watched since the first season of the second generation, which has to be five years ago now. But the first-season cast singing "Wild World" during that season finale is still one of my go-to YouTube clips, and I am not ashamed to admit it.

I haven't watched it in a while, but I see no problem with loving certain "teen angst" type programs, and I am near 40. Perhaps part of me is frozen in adolescences, despite a lot of work on myself. As a teenager who was a meth head, then later heroin, and totally part of early rave culture, Skins isn't that far off