
Before the comments dissolve into angry cries of “we don’t need to be forgiven” (which, don’t get me wrong, is a fair point), it should be pointed out that this is a step in the right direction. If priests can absolve the sin, then it is in a sense less serious. If it is less serious, then it will be more acceptable.

Let me make this as clear and easy to understand as I can without using Sesame Street characters: nobody really has a problem with customers who come in “within the time limits” to order. What we have a problem with are customers who ABUSE that “time limit” technicality to make life more difficult for other people.

I would do anything for meatloaf, but I won’t do that.

I watched from the corner as Sara took them their wine glasses. And I watch as she tottered over with a large, fruit-filled pitcher of sangria. And I watched as she lifted the pitcher high over the wretched woman’s head...and dumped it all over her.

Yeah, I’m ungrayed on Jezebel because I’m a Reddit troll.

West/Warren #2020

Why do I see most of the use of the word “thirsty” right here in Gawkerland? Yes, other places too, but definitely not as much as here. And when exactly did we go from hungry to thirsty? I mean, it’s not a “new” thing - there have always been people desperate for attention, and we used to say they were hungry for

This is the news of the night and the jezzie staff is killing it.

My god, she’s fucking adorable. She could remake Party Girl and I’d be 65% okay with it.

Nobody should ever be nervous about anything as long as they remember they are not Lindsay lohan. This applies to literally everything in life. “Nervous about my new job. It’s ok. I’m not Lindsay Lohan.” “Nervous about meeting my bf’s parents. It’s ok; I’m not Lindsay Lohan.” “Nervous about joining the military. It’s

I still don’t understand how someone who has been married four times can say with a straight face that it undermines her religious beliefs to allow gay people to marry.

You. Fucking. Monster.

That is some bullshit white privilege on fleek. (Did I use that right? #whitepeopleproblems)

I wish I could say this was uncommon. But growing up in fundamentalism, we were taught that the only acceptable emotion was happy and blessed. You weren’t allowed to be angry or sad or disappointed. I wasn’t in a cult like this (Thank the Lord,) but what I was taught wasn’t so different. I actually had to learn how to

Hearing about the way her parents raised their children makes me very sad.

Reminder to the Christians crying about being “discriminated against” and facing “persecution”: Freedom of religion does not apply only to your religion. Freedom of religion does not mean that you get to impose your religious beliefs on others in a way that infringes upon their rights.

Yeah. It was stupid, but I spent a good chunk of my college years dealing with bulimia and wasn’t offended. I didn’t think it was especially funny, but I’ll take a 1000 silly jokes over ever having someone tell me about how quitting sugar/ milk dairy/ cooked food has induced weight loss and a state of perpetual bliss.

As a recovered anorexic, I feel the same way. Get away from me with your gluten free, no carb nonsense!!!

I’m sure I’ve at least won a bronze medal in the Stupid Shit I’ve Said Olympics. Possibly silver.