Trump fatigue.
Trump fatigue.
I love Oliver’s brilliant, hilarious trashing of Donny Drumpf. Thank you and thanks to everyone who helped created and produce this piece, including the writers and researchers.
IMO, Wilkens should have been awarded 3x what he got for pain and suffering and, given that Edwards lied about his use of force (by omission), he should have been demoted.
I can’t do it. I can’t get through this clip. I can’t stand the sound that emanates from this rancid slime’s fly trap.
Sadly, I do not think there is any way to help you understand.
T0 Trump it’s just another reality show he’s bought for himself.
Jeses! Trump continues to trump himself for supreme blowhard asshole bullshiter with no end in sight. He’s the maniac we DO NOT diddling the red button.
Snarly Carly, go away.
Bloomingdales must be owned and operated by Republicans.
Huh? “None of the Democratic hopefuls had received such scrutiny”?!? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...
Woah, this guy is not only a major asshole but a total dummy.
I feel bad for the child. She doesn’t deserve this crap. Her parents should shut up and grow up.
Once again, thug cops acting like they can do whatever they want to do, no consequences, people be damned.
Boy. That ol' Zimmie. Guess he'll have to kill somebody else before people catch on.
Hey, buddy. You already do live in a separate, sovereign state. It's called a FAMILY. You mind your business, I'll mind mine. Simple.
Interesting questions but again no answers, not even a suggestion of a possible explaination. What's he saying? That the plane burned to ashes in the air?