
Yeah, I have the same problem. It's so much better than when I first started watching it two seasons ago. And I can't convince anyone to watch it.

Yeah, I thought of that too. You are totally right about that.

I meant just that they will be hard to replace. I should proofread before posting.

True enough too, but both MM and WH are great actors and I have my doubts they will be hard to replace. Besides that, I really liked the character MM played and will really miss him!

Oh, that just bummed me out! No more MM and WH? BUMMER!

Good observation!

where did you hear that??? He is not writing the latest sequel? I hope you are wrong!

Yeah, he went to that ex-girlfriend's house that did a hit and run and left his other ex-girlfriend (can't remember names here - sorry) brain damaged, and he had sex with her and wanted to have a baby with her. Yeah, he has no right to judge Fiona!

Maybe he will be the liver match Frank needs.

Yeah, and she just happened to have some buffalo meat for the one kid?

Frankly, I hated it that lip even showed up at Mandy's place. She is NUTS. Remember, she hit that girl (can't remember her name) and left her for dead after setting her up to be where she could hit her. How could Lip forget that and forgive her for it? Someone I know tries to kill someone, I am done with them

And Fiona has insurance - so at least her part would be paid for!