I Believe The Children

According to Ms. Koba, she was 18 years old by 3 days when she signed the agreement.

Funny I was just getting started on my F.O.K.J. buttons as a follow-up to my F.O.S.H buttons i made for 2005 graduating class of Sac High/St. Hope. Anybody still have their FOSH button? There was such a demand at the time, I didnt keep any.

So many Sacramentans would wait in a mile-long line to get the chance to witness KJ finally face charges in a court of law.

Agreed. I just think its worse when people prey on children. What is sure to follow is the long list of other elected officials who helped him make this bed.

Calling all former students and colleagues at Sacramento Charter High School: Wear your purple proud today. Not because KJ, inc. said u had to. Not because of the Kings. Wear it to honor all the alleged victims at Sac High (and beyond). Honorary Dragon of the Years: Cosmo Gavin and Dave McKenna. Brilliant unearthing

Oddly enough, they contnue to only cover Deadspin’s coverage of it instead of asking questions themselves! Mainstream media outlets: how does it feel to be you right now? Hopefully ashamed to say the very least.

Clinton wasnt known around his hometown for inapprpriate sexual contact with CHILDREN

Pulitzer without a doubt! The truth has been way-beyond-censored by corporate media for way to long. For all our former students from Sac Charter High School’s (now defunct) School of Journalism, School of Business, School of Public Service, and School of the Arts, Dave McKenna exemplifies what we as your teachers

Thanks no doubt to Mandi Koba’s brave resolve and your stellar investigative skills, KJ just announed he will not seek re-election. So soon enough, when further investigations ensue, all of the invisible forces will be revealed. I lost hope in our justice system and in public journalism until Deadspin picked up where

OMG KJ just announced hes not seeking reelection!!! The house of cards IS beginning to fall. Thank u x infinity to MKenna at Deadspin and Gavin at SNR. No doubt when the story comes even more undone, you both will be reeiving many awards for best practices of Public Journalism. Hope all you KJ fanatics can eventually

unless you refer to kick-ass jounalists who stayed the course despite threats and lawsuits. Like in the Case of Cosmo Gavin at Sac News and Review & all of Deadspin, the media muzzle is off thanks in no short part to y’all asking tough questions of very well connected people. In that case, Keep up the great work!

Maybe Tom Hanks can independtly fund that documentary. (His son is funding the Tower Records documentary). Real homettown journalist Lestor Holt can narrate the story where the truth is much stranger than the fiction.

And demanding compliance to that brand. Or else...

Maybe “those” people need to be convicted and live among fellow criminals who dont like to be told “no” either; who won’t accept “no” for an answer. Good luck with that, pedophiles,predators, and power-obsessed politicians.

I hope this suggests you will reconsider your decision to not challenge KJ for the mayorship. Its clear he is a Conservative Corporate Mouthpiece who doesnt deserve to represent the people, particularly the Democratic party. Come on, only you or Deb Ortiz could really turn this town into what it could be without KJ as

Poetic Justice for Riding in on the coattales of Obama: Riding out on the coattales of Cosby.

Kudos to Williams and Koba for finding the courage (and the leverge) to help unspin the story. I hope other people who were the object of threats, intimidation, and bribery STAND UP and Speak Up. The tide has turned. Use this platform to transcend the silence that ultimately protects no one.

No doubt there are more than a few of us here in Sactown who think maybe if KJ, Inc. left town it could lead to a reduction in the crime rate?

Hey did anyone else notice that KJ was a no-show last night to the “immediate meeting” he publically announced lask week w regard to “getting to the bottom of crime in Sacramento.” A no-show. hysterically ironic. Must be more busy doing more damage control than he thought.

So i respectfuuly disagree.“They” are idiots. As for the citizens: pretty hard to know the truth when local media bowtiesKJ Industry Complex press releases into copy. with ease with a wink and a smile.