
But his club in Palm Beach has lots of minorities. So many minorities. The best minorities.

I disagree with Kaep. Trump has made no effort to show he’s less racist.

Meh maybe. I just know what he’s going through and it sucks.

Out of all the horrendous things that have happened in the sporting world this year, good on the Marlins for creating a quiet moment of beauty out of a storm of grief.

If you need my email. (I’m aware I’m a random stranger) just ask. My mom died two years ago in March so if you need advice of any sort it’s here if you want it. Big hugs.

All the g*ddamn stars, my brother.
Here’s an ironic GIF:

I don’t know, people keep telling me to find guys that are asleep?

“Coon”, in idiomatic American English, is a word that has grown to have two very distinct meanings -- both pejorative -- that are usually dependent on the one who utters it.

Historically, when used by (racist) white people to denote black people, it effectively serves as a basic synonym for “nigger”. And that’s it.

The whole thing is fucked and, for the record, I don’t think anyone--regardless of the color of their skin--should be using racial epithets, even ironically. All those words just need to go in history’s dumpster. Deadspin’s reporting of the Don King intro, however, does seem to imply a double standard here.

Wayne Brady choked a bitch

The toughness thing has to die, especially in international hockey. Canada went that route in the 2006 Olympics and it was a fucking disaster. I think it was Yzerman after that who said screw it, we need to choose the most skilled, best players available; and it’s worked ever since.

Now playing

He always kills it on Stern. May favorite is him and Artie Lange talking about the time Bob Uecker invited them into the booth at spring training. Note: the ubiquitous profanity is unbleeped.

What is it with American athletes and coaches framing everything in terms of “respect”? It’s just a game, dudes. You lose, you get poked fun at a little, you go have a beer.

he killed on Howard Stern earlier this week:

Let’s just say you’re not good at analogies and leave it at that.

Don King makes Al Sharpton look like Wayne Brady.

I dunno man, my Acer branded Lamborghini was a piece of shit...

Holy freaking shitacular what the frigging crapfuckdickpiss did i just HOW

It has been a solid 5 years at least since I’ve seen the term douche-canoe. It’s always nice when that one comes around. Thank you.