Free Range Gray

“We are the content.”  That’s the t-shirt.  That’s the slogan.  THAT is the rallying cry.  Loved that he ended with that line from “Andor.”  Mad respect for Tony and everybody down there fighting the righteous fight.

hi you’re on io9

Wait . . . orange?

Still waiting for the flying car that was supposed to be ready 20 years before that.

Fight the Empire, and just download it.

Not much, just the ability to read and write English without coming across like someone with four fingers and half a frontal lobe. Insite indeed.

It also fits in that at the end of the ROTJ the sith are completely derailed, so any adherents would be cut loose to make thier own plans rather than being subjugated to the Rule of 2 and Palpatine.

Are you using your Associate Degree in Applied Nonsense to deduce all of this, or just your general expertise earned by a lifetime of licking door knobs?

io9 has been part of Gizmodo since it ceased to be an independent site about five years ago.

Like how 10 years ago everyone was saying in 10 years we’d all have self-driving cars? Yeah, AI isn’t a magic pill. 


“Dark Jedi” started out as a placeholder term for “evil Force users,” since EU writers were forbidden to mention the Sith. But now that the Sith have been exhaustively depicted, there’s something interesting about the idea of Jedi who rely on the Dark Side. Sith are relentlessly indivialistic, subjugating others for

They went out of their way to have Baylan and Shin discuss why they were doing all of this after Elsbeth left in Ep2. His answer really goes a long way to support your Dark Jedi idea. “Power such as youve never dreamed” doesnt sound like he is looking for Thrawn at all, but something else.

That’s already been explained. In the New Republic, the capital is located on the current Chancellor’s homeworld. In Mandalorian, it’s mentioned offhand that the Senate is based on Chandrila, Mon Mothma’s planet. Coruscant is still there, as far as we know.

An extra galactic invasion resulting in the conquest and terraforming of Coruscant would go a long way to explaining why Hosnian Prime was the seat of the New Republic in TFA.

The YV never really felt particularly “Star Wars,” more like something a hungover EU writer typed up in a proposal after a long weekend of drunken Warhammer. And this was during the early days of the prequel era, so everything Lucas was introducing in the new movies, like the Sith, was largely out of bounds.

The idea you laid out is an example of a talent you possess which this vapid, self-absorbed twat does not: vision... a well-honed inner-eye. .

I don’t know if the song is about bland consumerism, but even if it is I don’t think of Target as the ideal example of a city’s decay.

I think they realized pretty early on that the hardcore EU-for-life types would be cranky and angry over whatever they made, regardless of what they did with it, so they opted for the solution which would provide them with the best ability to make the movies they wanted to make, which is basically to just wipe it all

A moon dropping on Chewi may have provided a definitive reason to drop the EU, but realistically, there was no good reason to retain it for the new movies. For the majority of fans who didn’t read the side stuff, you’re saddled with trying to explain a mountain of utterly batshit exposition, and for the fans who do