Free Range Gray

Well I hope I’ve bored them silly with my uneventful life. Serves them right. Enjoy combing my Amazon orders for jam and T-shirts.

It’s a witch hunt. People get pulled over for speeding all the time and don’t get arrested. Double standards! This officer is a political prisoner.

Props to the officer who pulled him over. My guess is most wouldn’t.

Desantis said tenant protection was promoting LBGTQ behavior in young people.

They received the eviction notice on May 16th ?

That’s exactly why I said what I said. I have zero confidence in Democrats’ ability to use Republican evilness to their own advantage. Dems are so bewildered by the whole concept. 

In fairness, the Democrats have a long history of fumbling gimmes like this.

It’s unclear what exactly warranted Jefferson to be placed in handcuffs but maybe we’ll learn more at her next court hearing. For now, she remains in Holmes County Jail.”

It’s bootstraps/ wealth porn. My mom was born in the 1940's, her mother was born in 19 fucking 12, and guess what? She was a working mom!

I swear to Christ, if that sound byte isn’t in every single Democratic PAC’s ads by tomorrow morning, there is no hope for the Democratic party to ever figure out how to effectively brand themselves and their opponents. 

Same reason they don’t care about Nancy Reagan anymore- your value in this crowd only lasts as long as men find you attractive

Yes, by all means don’t breed. Especially with men who want “trad wives.” Do not pass on those foolish genes.

Here’s hoping the police move quickly into the “find out” stage of their comeuppance.

Do the trad men with children like being poor? Because we live in a society where (usually) both parents need to be working in order to pay the bills and maybe slightly get ahead! My daughter and her husband have a 7 month old. She works remotely and her husband works remotely part time and on site part time. They

Phyllis Schlafly also had nannies, but that detail never made it into her speeches.

What, no tip of the hat to Phyllis Schlafly by these grifters? She invented this shit, leaving her husband at home with the kids while she went from city to city and podium to podium, explaining how it was a woman’s job to stay home and look after the kids.

“Every ill that we are fighting right now in society has been brought forth by women.”

As someone who has had to deal with executives and marketing announcing things that were in no way a done deal, I feel for the folks involved. But also, I have never once seen a project that was overpromised in this way come to a good end.

surely both Barry Allens can defeat Zod”

I vote it should be “Barrys Allen”.

It might not be related, but the stock price has doubled in the last year, although it was 50% higher in the year before that. I don’t know when they last voted on exec pay. It could be that they remember the news cycle of “NETFLIX IS LOSING SUBSCRIBERS!!!!” but most people have poor memory for things that happened