Free Range Gray

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Flip it.

A loan? Does that mean the Raiders will have to pay it back? Oh, what am I saying? The good swindled people of Nevada will still be paying that off years after the Raiders have skipped town.

Well dammit, now the stadium is obviously going to be Bank of America Stadium and Bingo Parlor - I was hoping for Spearmint Rhino Colisseum & Brothel...

Mark Davis is why the estate tax exists.

He better be wearing that white jogging suit.

Does this include that Lenin’s Tomb like addition to the stadium where people can view Al Davis’ mummified corpse?

I’ll tell you what will happen, nothing will happen. They will retreat to their computer screens and claim that Trump was robbed with no evidence of such. I’ve never been concerned because DOING SHIT requires more risk and energy than SAYING SHIT.

I’m doing my part by writing papers on climate change and it’s not even directly my field.

There are plenty of shitkicking MAGA Bros around me.

I don’t think most of them care whether he is factually wrong (deep down, I think they know Trump makes crap up). But Trump ran on a pro-big business, pro-gun, anti-immigrant, anti-brown people, anti-homosexual, anti-women, and anti-abortion platform. That means the Republicans will support him no matter what.

And that’s why I’m in the other third that owns a gun.

The extra n is to make it look bigger....

Obama used his weather control machine to rain on his inauguration.

I love that the career government officials are doing everything they can to fuck with him. If he threatening their jobs and livelihood, what do they have to lose by making him mad? He’s already a raving lunatic.

You’re close:

Anything that causes him stress helps. Anything that forces him to froth at the mouth and spout lies for all the world to see helps. Anything that makes him look foolish helps. It won’t convince the die hards but it puts even more pressure on the Republicans and keeps our resistance reminded why we have to fight.

I believe Ben Carson misspoke. He meant to say “alternative immigrants.”

Who are you going to believe, actual photos or “the most honest, humble president ever”.

Two things: CRTs are toxic as hell and why can’t a LED screen replace a CRT?