They’re Bonnie & Clyde without the romance, intelligence, or limited avarice.
They’re Bonnie & Clyde without the romance, intelligence, or limited avarice.
(A disclosure: Pittinsky has threatened to sue this reporter and Deadspin several times during the reporting of the Kevin Johnson/NCBM story.)
“We do not think Deadspin is any kind of responsible reporter.”
“We do not think Deadspin is any kind of responsible reporter.”
I congratulate him on getting Kevin Johnson to threaten a lawsuit. Such a suit would be a feather in Mr. Deadspin’s cap.
Luxury tax for Enis Kanter. Luxury tax for Enis Kanter. Luxury tax for Enis Kanter. Luxury tax for Enis Kanter. Luxury tax for Enis Kanter. Luxury tax for Enis Kanter. Luxury tax for Enis Kanter. Luxury tax for Enis Kanter. Luxury tax for Enis Kanter.
You almost have to admire the success KJ & Rhee have had amassing wealth through fraud perpetrated on (mostly) the poor and powerless.
Well played Deadspin, well played indeed.
Cool beans. So the obvious solution is to treat a group of children like they are criminals and lock them up. That will certainly be the anti-venom to mom’s poison. I bet they come out of there full of nothing but love for dear old dad. :|
Plus! Plus! If you read through the actual transcript, all three of these kids seem incredibly brave and willing to stand up to the judge (WHO IS SUCH A FUCKING BULLY IT’S UNREAL) and to their dad, who is just standing there, not doing shit. At one point, after the 15-year-old is taken away, the 9- and 10-year-olds…
So does this make the Kings salary dump to Philly even stupider?
The good news: Being that it’s his right hand, at least he can still figure out which side of the ball to line up on.
There have been a lot of people making classless jokes about this whole mess, but who are you to judge? I say they’ve got a right to make a point.
Reports: Adam Schefter tears rotator cuff throwing shit against the wall in a vain attempt to have something stick
It won’t affect his career. JPP has shown time and again that he is quite adept at shooting the gap.
JPP’s Agent: [muttering] fuck [grabs notebook, scribbles out “Isotoner”]
Eli is pleased he can now count higher than someone else.
The criticism of the commentary team (especially Cole) is that their bland, boring, uninteresting/ed presentation and general prattle is a product of Vince’s input and overbearing micromanaging.
Vince McMahon’s Rules for XFL Announcers:
-Do not use pronouns.