“I’ll never forgive him for what he did to our United States military.”
“I’ll never forgive him for what he did to our United States military.”
I expect Melania’s book to be release not to far after where she admits that she’ll “never forgive” Trump for threatening the safety of her family with his birther bullshit in which he openly questioned the legitimacy of Barack’s American birth certificate.
When Michelle’s book drops the media - both social and mainstream -will dissolve into an ocean of racism and misogyny. Watch how much of it comes from so-called allies on the left.
Have you seen this video of Titus literally singing Ursula??? I vote for him.
It used to be that minstrels were white men in black face. Now it’s black men in red caps.
tRump’s “Uncle Tom Summit”
This is just so fabricated! First of all, everyone knows Harriet Tubman was a white man posing as a black woman (Fun fact, he happened to be the great-great-great grandfather of Rachel Dolezal.), because he really felt he knew how blacks and women felt, and someone had to teach the slaves that slavery was a choice and…
Issa’s ability to do some critical thinking kicked in & she called schools who no longer supported their program. When Issa gave her feedback on why they no longer wished to partner with them, Joanne/Noanne got mad because her white savior complex was challenged. Tbh, their logo is racially insensitive.
George Zimmerman wasn’t eligible because he went pro in 2015
Marking a record-breaking technological accomplishment, the white woman who called the police on a black woman…
America is angry.
I remember when I first learned that the deployment of young people during the protests, marches, boycotts and…
Barack Obama is not your Magical Negro. I know y’all want him to be, but you have to give the man a break. He just…
You know who I blame for Polio? Jonas Salk. He was always talking about polio, and working on a vaccine for polio. Just always bringing up polio. He obsessed about polio the way Jan obsessed about Marcia. If he had just ignored the polio it would have gone away. In fact, I think he was guilty of reverse polio, which…