Donald Trump has been a vocal advocate of sexual assault, Islamophobia, xenophobia, and violent racism. Early…
Donald Trump has been a vocal advocate of sexual assault, Islamophobia, xenophobia, and violent racism. Early…
In what was no doubt a thrill for the 12,179 in attendance in Newark who for nearly three hours had little idea what…
My dad just posted on my fb wall, cheer up, have a good day at work (I live in England so it’s morning for me), life will go on <3
To CNN for hiring those fucktit douchebag racist fuckfaces to defend Trump:
To the 55M who thought Trump was a good idea...
Support thread for anyone who is FUCK YOU EVERYONE fuck you FUCK you fuckity fuckity fucckkkkkkkk shit ass tits shit ass dick fuck FUCK...right now.
Said this elsewhere, but it bears repeating... Clinton, Obama, et al were right about one thing: this election was about what kind of country we are. And the electorate has decided: we are an asshole. Of the assholes, by the assholes, for the assholes. And now we have an Asshole-in-Chief. Van Jones is right, we are a…
We’ve casted our vote
Whats the difference anyway? Weapon-brandishing, think they’re above the law, religiously motivated no-hoper gangs making life worse for everyone around them.
Here is something stupid about me: I don’t totally get how scribbling in a circle and sliding my ballot into an…
Earlier this morning, Donald Trump stopped by one of his favorite cable TV haunts, Fox & Friends, for one last…
Old White Man Wants Things To Be The Way They Used To Be
I’m going to rant, pointlessly, in the greys. Do you hate the system? Do you want to change things? Then get involved in local government. Hell, get involved with the party you most agree with, and change it. Don’t make a vague plan to vote for the perfect thing that will be just the best, once you come up with it.
I’m glad she took a stand against Trump, the lone racist/sexist of the Republican party. Have to let them know that this will not be tolerated .
my heroes
Ashley going to the Peggy Noonan/Tom Friedman Journalism By Talking To Randos School. I like it.
Nice to see Huma has finally sworn off Weiner for good.
Listen, I’m going to take this as a sign that a long-cursed entity can defeat a racist mascot — and that it can happen twice in one week. Go Hubbies!
Every time I almost feel sorry for Indians fans I see pictures like that one woman gingerly clutching her Chief Wahoo board and then I’m just so happy they lost. Fuck them.