
I’m sure there’s someone out there who likes looking at those photos a lot.

I dunno. Someone, somewhere has a desert fetish.

“[A new product called...] Tripwire”

I’m a Republican. I’m also a software developer. So I support net neutrality for all sorts of valid reasons beyond, “I want to watch Netflix.”

I’ve got a pretty short but slightly gruesome/morbid list:

Comcast (and other ISPs) can only inject code if it is an insecure protocol such as HTTP. If you only visit HTTPS URLs, they can’t inject anything into the data streams without incurring connection failures by the web browser.

At the next Comic Con: Deep-fried Porg.

May the Powerblocks be with you, Han Swolo.

May the Powerblocks be with you, Han Swolo.

I can see Apple suing Google for violating the DMCA over this.

Web scrapers are difficult to detect and block. The worst offender is Googlebot. I’ve seen upwards of 50,000 requests per hour before against a single domain (and, yes, it was Googlebot). But if you block Googlebot, you lose all traffic coming from Google Search.

Should be illegal to raise prices on any given medicine past a limit that is set by the government.

“They flaunt their corruption because they know there is not a gotdamn thing we can do to stop it. American democracy is being destroyed in front of our eyes.”

Including AWS, which has the worst user interface ever for what is supposed to be the frontend for powerful computing nodes.

I suppose their Roomba is pushing the “I’m still watching” button?

Article didn’t mention: DD-WRT is the fast, cheap way to secure a Wi-Fi enabled router. DD-WRT not easy to configure, but that’s the tradeoff for real router security.

What does this video represent to you?

Most of these won’t work for me. I run an isolated network whose only generally allowed direction is out to the Internet, if I allow the device on the network in the first place. I don’t allow arbitrary devices to talk to other arbitrary devices unless I write a firewall rule for it.

The photos of ceramic stone vs. steel stone tell all. Overdone crust is overdone. You want a light golden brown, not burnt. People who don’t know how to make food buy equipment like this in the hopes that their cooking skills magically improve. Spending time in the kitchen is how your skills improve.

The photos of ceramic stone vs. steel stone tell all. Overdone crust is overdone. You want a light golden brown, not

I’d like to get hit with gold. As long as I get to keep it all.

#1 cold preventative: Take the paper towel you use to wipe your hands dry with in the bathroom and use it to open the door. Then with your foot holding the door open, toss the paper towel in the trash. Then leave the bathroom. Also, do not touch the bathroom door with your hands when entering.