
“Instead it was sort of like going to the car lot and having to choose between a Honda Civic or a Toyota Corolla. They’re both very nice, cost the same, and do the same damn thing.”

“If you’re tempted to point out that you’re one of the good ones right now . . . please don’t.”

Also, UGH!

Doesn’t appear to work on Firefox. Just a flat image that doesn’t even link to anything.

Can North Korea actually hit Guam?

“Hey man!” - every white guy in a service industry job

#1 should have been:

“Researchers from MIT have developed a wireless, artificially intelligent sensor that can detect the various stages of sleep, including rapid eye movement—the sleep stage associated with dreaming. The non-invasive system could change the way clinicians diagnose sleep disorders and other health complications.”

Explosive dominoes would be more interesting...

There’s your problem right there: Flavor is the indicator of whether or not food is good to consume. If it lacks the right flavor, then something is missing or has been corrupted (possibly genetically) and you should spit it out.

Now playing

“These fish are raised in tanks, but to prevent them from escaping into the wild, only sterile females are raised for harvest.”

“There are many YouTube videos of pranksters using the seat costume to fool drive-through restaurant employees”

You know, he’s just not into Gizmodo...or he would have tweeted at you guys already.

Well played, my good sir. Well played.

Now playing

“As far as protecting us from the kind of aliens you see every night on the TV” - Shostak

Because they work with video? Each current episode of each show is probably passed around on the network at least several hundred times each day leading up to its release. I’d guess 300TB of data is moved monthly at any given media production outlet. Add in off-site contractors for special effects and whatever else

Solution: Apple engineers can “accidentally” include a super-easy route that allows users root or change their i-devices so that alternate app stores such as the U.S. Apple app store can be used.

My question is: If Samsung has a 60TB SSD, why has the price on their 500GB SSD not dropped to more sane levels in the last two years? They’re pushing a 4TB for almost $1,500 and I can only imagine what astronomical price the 60TB will cost. When I can buy a 5TB to 6TB traditional platter drive for about the same cost