
“increasing the number of “Trusted Flaggers” to identify content that can be used to radicalize terrorists”

Next up: Put your shirt in one bin, pants in another, socks in another, underwear in the common bin.

“Nobody wants their Windows system crashing and shutting down on a regular basis, and if you’re currently having problems then the “sfc /scannow” command...”

You’d think that China would look at the various forms of problems with debt in the U.S. and NOT say, “We totally want to do that too.”

Nah. I’d watch that too.

Good grief, I couldn’t understand anything because of the font size. No one emojis at full screen width.

If you are an Amazon Prime member, you can also take utilize their unlimited photo service to backup any data:

I have only one thing to say about this:

That’s okay. Russia announced today that they have successfully slapped a defibrillator onto a drone. Because Russia. That’s why.

A quick search turns up:

You can tell whether or not someone is evil just by looking into their eyes.

I’ve never owned a console. Nintendo: Wake up and smell the money. My money. It’s called Steam - bring your games to that platform. All you have to do is the following 5 easy steps:

Trump’s mouth is weird.

I was recently thinking about self-driving cars and realized that, unless there is a single piece of software running the core logic, we’re going to have chaos on our roads pretty quickly. And accidents to go with that chaos. Or just gridlock because a handful of cars will be jammed up comically trying to get around

Any lock screen that prevents butt dialing is infinitely more secure than butt dialing.

One word: Kongregate.

“Look mommy, Imma all grown up in my big boy pants now!” - Donald Trump (fill in with whatever the current year is)

Better not tell Mastercard that.

Maybe it would work better as a butter dispenser for use in a workplace kitchen and/or cafeteria?

I’ve got good opinions too...but just in the grays.