
I was having the same thought... black ice is a problem on clear roads, because you can't the difference between the dry road and the icy road until it is too late to adjust. This just looks like your every day snowy/icy conditions, where someone problem got in an accident and didn't clear the road promptly.

I drove a honda with a failed clutch master cylinder seal 45 miles through rush hour traffic without killing myself or the car.

I drove a honda with a failed clutch master cylinder seal 45 miles through rush hour traffic without killing myself or the car.

I was wondering the same thing... seems like the GT-R has a little bit of a shy gun.

They were better when they're points system was "16=free flight to anywhere domestic"...

Depends on manufacturer practices I guess. Some manufacturers include a digit for it, but certainly not all.

your insurer certainly knows what you registered your car as, but multi car wrecks are where the biggest cost of insurance comes from, and your insurer may not receive any data on the other car beyond make, model, and year.

But you would need to consider the vehicle type with transmission... someone driving a stick geo metro is less likely to be agressive, while the reverse may be true for a mustang. Sucky drivers apply to all models of car, so I expect it would have minimal impact.

I think it is a fantastic idea... the question is whether data is kept on what transmission are in use for reported wrecks... I certainly don't think the police reports capture that kind of information.

It is a problem with how the transaction is set up... The company running the contest treats the car (the 'prize') as an expense, and a reduction of their income for the year. The result of this treatment is that the car becomes "income" for the recipient, and the recipient must then pay taxes on the market value of

autobahn is a highway... which you wouldn't ban... and this isn't a first...

Firetruck! of course!

Some flights are booked to capacity weeks in advance, predictably, and your only opportunity at a decent seat is to catch one after someone changes flights and before the next person purchases a ticket.

this is the only car that came to mind. still looks new.

All of your posts stereotype anyone that finds meaning in the confederate flag into a single bucket. I hope that some small part of you realizes that this makes you no better than a racist, as you are assuming the worst intentions of a class of people, just like a racist does. Throwing fake percentages around to

Who is to say that their reason for fighting was because they supported the right to own slaves? What if they fought because they believe in the right of states to make their own laws without involvements of other states or the federal government?

'raise awareness' is nothing but code for "see it my way".

670 twin... throbbing sounds about right for the idle.


took them long enough