
You are way off on the hotter & faster burn rates of higher octane fuels... a higher octane rating indicates a resistance to higher tempuratures and pressures to avoid unintended ignition.

Also, the US does octane ratings are not RON, they are AKI, hence the display on gas pumps of (R+M)/2. Yet another difference to consider.

different emissions laws in effect... lower compression results in cleaner combustion, which is required in the U.S. and results in lower compression engines. European vehicles are higher compression on average due to more relaxed emissions laws and as such you end up with a higher trending fuel range to accomodate.

FYI - ethanol is higher octane than pump gas, and serves to increase the octane rating in higher quantities. Ethanol content has nothing to do what grade of gas you pick, but more on the policies in your region/state, and where the gasoline is being sourced from.

yep... that's the exact reason why I can to comments... for the length of the blog article, it certainly does a poor job of enlightening uninformed readers.

Chevy Camaro... that way the kid could be upgraded to the Chevy Corvette as a high school graduation present by the parents.

though bear in mind that the fire station won't be rolling at the first sign of smoke, and that the 30-60 seconds they might need to get over to a car will mean the difference between melted wires and roasted engine bay.

NSX with pop-up headlights... I hope to see it affordable for me in ~5 years, though I fear that most of the depreciation has already occured.

you would probably have better luck with commercial products or a vinegar solution.

of course, you may not be willing to spend any money at all...


That's the idea....

I am sad to say that those are banned from entry to the U.S. because the Consumer Products Safety Commission deems them to be too dangerous for kids.

Go find yourself some deer jerky.... venison is where the fun is at.

I'll repeat my vote from the Camry post...

pretty normal for a dyno run.... cars normal move forward when you run the engine that hard, so the fans are there to provide the associated air flow cooling that driving down the road might provide.

yuck.... just found the picture of the Camry from the above video... for as beige as a camry might be, I think the stock appearance was better.

Is this a prelude to a "what is the worlds best sleeper" QOTD?

"You know, I've had people turn in front on me without looking and I was able to stand on the brakes and stop in time. And typically a motorcycle can stop at least as well as any car... "

no - if you watch the video, he is clearly holding his face while having one of those "what is going on???" moments that people going through shock tend to do.