

Right. “He didn’t hit me” means exactly that.

He did burn bright,

Babysteps nameof her next boo

I agree whatever she has to say is more relevant to the discussion than some dude who goes for a beer with Depp occasionally and thinks he’s a great guy. But just an observation from someone whose peer group is starting to transition to second spouses, men seem to sometimes pull shit with second, younger wives that

But now they HAVE TO, even if they don’t need to! Thanks, Obama!

Why the fuck do you think she’d SEE some other guy’s (notice the apostrophe here) dick? Most guys I’ve ever known with whip it out discreetly, pee, and put it away discreetly.

I’m not sure “protect yourself from date rape by pounding your drink and then ordering another round” is the right advice...

Because trans people do not have families? I know he meant “parents with children = families” but... I am so tired of people saying “my special situation deserves allowances and exceptions to the rules, because it’s real, and important, and moral in the sight of God, but those OTHER people’s special situation is fake

And then he tried to shop, like nothing had happened! Wtf. 😮

General rule of thumb for dudes (coming from a dude):

Didn’t you hear? Obama is forcing transgender people to use bathrooms, which they never did before. Crazy times we live in with that Obama.

I’m a guy and, having known and even seen guys get roofied in gay bars, I’ve taken my drinks with me, set them on the toilet top while peeing in the bowl. I’ve seen guys just stick their drinks on the top of urinals.

A friend shared the post this morning and while commend these women I wish the post didn’t have such a, I don’t know, pat on the back nature to it. Something about the the fact that THEY chose to post about it rather then the woman who this happened to in conjunction with the picture makes the whole thing hit me

Her best friend. My heart broke. How many women has this happened to? Too many. Someone I considered a close friend, climbed into bed with me at a hotel party. I didn't think anything of it because everyone in our room was sleeping, including the other guy in the bed. My friend obviously thought I was passed out

“We’ve secretly switched this Fundamentalist Mormon’s child wife with a xenomorph. Let’s see if he notices.”

So...basically the same bullshit the Mormons have been pulling since the early 19th century. Exploitation of government when convenient, and defiance of it when not, is basically one of their core values. Other than sex harems, and ruling your own planet, and hating all the non-white people anyway. At least they

i say just stop all form of special treatment of religions by the US government. no more tax breaks, you pay for the land your on same as me. no more exclusion from taxes on their “donations”. just cuz you believe in a god doesnt mean you dont owe your dues. no more immunity from the law, a pedophile priest goes to

This is a cult, not a hurch...and has now been found guilty of illegal practices (many times it seems) so?..I hope they still do not have tax exempt status as a religious organisation...If so this should be removed at once...hit them where it hurts.

These people have enough money to send multiple copies of “Jesus Christ’s Message to All Nations” to places as small as our school district. I was a library assistant and had four copies delivered to us while I worked there. Four 300+ page hardcover copies of stupid-shit drivel sent to us with requests for