I know this isn’t the site it used to be, but the AV Club getting Jeff Mangum’s name wrong twice in the same sentence just feels bad.
I know this isn’t the site it used to be, but the AV Club getting Jeff Mangum’s name wrong twice in the same sentence just feels bad.
Well, for one, 4.185 is a little short of double 3.5.
I’m old enough to have had New Coke and I don’t even remember what it tasted like, so an extended gag/tongue-in-check commercial about how shitty New Coke was that’s directed at an audience that is mostly too young to have tried it seems like a weird choice.
I’ve watched The Stuff twice just this year. Once when Larry Cohen died, then again when Joe Bob Briggs showed it on the Last Drive-In. It’s lesser Larry Cohen, but it’s an incredibly unique, bonkers horror comedy with Michael Moriarty chewing up the scenery with glee. Given that it’s an anti-corporate satire about…
Here in south Texas we're just on the verge of it getting cool enough to be outside next to an open fire during the daytime and not be completely miserable. We still grill a lot during the summer just to not heat up the house, but the real prime grilling time here is anytime BUT summer.
After nearly 30 years of not giving a damn about sports, I became a die-hard University of Alabama football fan when I realized I would never be able to agree with my family about politics, religion, social issues, travel, movies, music, and pretty much anything else, but if I supported the same team as them, well,…