
Is this RDR 1 or Mexico now?

are the controls swift and fun like MGS5 or does it resemble more the previous rockstar (GTA, old RDR) stiff and “wait for that animation to complete” feel?

I’m from a “flyover” state. There’s a very good chance that I have garnered more academic accolades than you and scored better on standardized tests. You took those same tests, yet little old me from “flyover country” beat you with near perfect scores. As did a good 10% of my 250 person high school class. Go ahead

Well, Lochte might not be a good representative of America, but at least he’s an accurate one.

Always carry a chain for those surly bicyclists!

There’s always the one dude.

This is the most effective that Tebow has ever been through the air.

I don’t think it’s possible for there to be a more Blues thing to happen then this.

This actually works out well for the people of Quebec. They can now catch a hockey game and take a trip to Paris in the same day.

Ali is certainly a class of his own, but Ted Williams, Joe DiMaggio and Pat Tillman also gave years of their life (in Tillmans case, all of them) to “fight” for what they believed in. This is not to denigrate Ali, what he did, in my mind, is no less brave or important than what those others did.

Very talented guy. He was fantastic in “Bridge of Spies.”

Thank God.

On the plus side for Shaw, he has a new fan in Rajon Rondo.

+1 sad Cards fan

That story could be from last Saturday and I’d still believe it.

Please stop using the work dank. Thank you.

Is this how you plan on paying off the Hulkster? The Cardinals are going to need a lot of losses.

He’s probably more embarrassed to be seen with Kevin Connolly