
Its hilarity that these “pros” are now crying,because obviously the world will see who’s actually good and who’s a marketing scheme. Why continue to let them shit on little kids and make money off of it. We'll see who actually makes the skill based cut at release. I'm betting, all the "big names", don't perform and

Until you have two sides to a story I’d wait to make opinions. My question is, instead of calling the police or the courts, she made it a topic of her streaming? Why? What can Joe Public do about it in comparison to the authorities?? Suspicious. If someone be was threatening me I wouldn’t stream it I’d call the God

All this over a flag? The guy can do what he wants. Then you stoop to name calling over him not accepting someone’s lifestyle?? Taking a flag out of a game and bombing a pride parade are two very different things. Someone can respectfully decline to accept the gay stuff around them doesn’t mean we lump him in with the